Presentations: Summary
- AWT 2019
- Smarte Adaptive Materialien und Agenten, Invited Talk, AWT - VDI - Arbeitskreis Werkstofftechnik Bremen 2018/19, 06.03. 2019, Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany
- CSS 2018
- Data mining with Machine Learning for the Social Sciences, Data Mining Lecture, Invited Keynote Talk, 18.5.2018, Bremen, Computational Social Sciences Talks, BIGSSS, SOCIUM, University of Bremen, Jacobs University Bremen, 18.5.2018
- DGM 2017
- Autonome und robuste Datenanalyse mit Maschinellen Lernen und KI in der Schadensprüfung und Überwachung, DGM Workshop FA Hybride Werkstoffe und Strukturen mit dem AK Mischverbindungen im FA Aluminium, Dortmund, 19-20.2.2018
- DOS 2018
- One lecture lesson introducing basic distributed oeprating systems concepts using the Amoeba OS a use case study.
- DSS 2016
- Distributed Machine Learning with Self-organizing Mobile Agents for Earthquake Monitoring, IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self Systems (FASW), SASO Conference, DSS Workshop, 12 September 2016, Augsburg
- DSS 2017
- Towards Large-scale Material-integrated Computing: Self-Adaptive Materials and Agents, IEEE 2nd International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self Systems (FASW), 18-22 September 2017, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
- DTW 2018
- Large-scale Multi-agent Simulation and Crowd Sensing with Humans in the Loop, Digital Traces Workshop, Bremen, 8-10.11.2018, University of Bremen, Methodenzentrum Bremen
- ECSA 2014
- Processing of Mobile Multi-Agent Systems with a Code-based Agent Platform in Material-Integrated Distributed Sensor Networks, 1st International e-conference on Sensors and Applications, Section D: Sensor Networks, 2014, MDPI
- ECSA 2015
- Agent-Based Solutions for Industrial Environments composed of Autonomous Mobile Agents, Modular Agent Platforms, and Tuple Spaces, Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Electron. Conf. Sens. Appl., 15-30 Nov. 2015, MDPI
- ECSA 2016
- Industrial Agents and Distributed Agent-based Learning, 3rd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications . 15-30 Nov. 2016, MDPI
- ECSA 2018
- Augmented Virtual Reality: Combining Crowd Sensing and Social Data Mining with large-scale Simulation using mobile Agents for future Smart Cities, 5th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. 15-30 Nov. 2018, MDPI
- ECSA 2019
- Robust detection of hidden material damages using low-cost external sensors and Machine Learning, 6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. 15-30 Nov. 2019, MDPI
- FEDCSIS 2015
- A Unified Distributed Computing Framework with Mobile Multi- Agent Systems and Virtual Machines for Large-Scale Applications: From the Internet-of-Things to Sensor Clouds, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FEDCSIS), Lodz, Poland, 13 - 16 Sep, 6, 2015
- FEDCSIS 2018
- Smart Micro-scale Energy Management and Energy Distribution in Decentralized Self-Powered Networks Using Multi-Agent Systems, FedCSIS Conference, 6th International Workshop on Smart Energy Networks & Multi-Agent Systems, 9-12.9.2018, Posznan, Poland, 2018
- FICLOUD 2016
- Mobile Multi-Agent Systems for the Internet-of-Things and Clouds using the JavaScript Agent Machine Platform and Machine Learning as a Service, The IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud , 22-24 August 2016, Vienna, Austria
- FICLOUD 2017
- An Ubiquitous Multi-Agent Mobile Platform for Distributed Crowd Sensing and Social Mining, The 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, Aug 21, 2017 - Aug 23, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
- FS 2018
- Eine Unterrichtseinheit die die Grundlagen von Dateisystemen anhand von Betriebssystembeispielen Windows und Unix erläutert und verschiedene Dateisysteme gegenüberstellt.
- Habilitation 2016A
- Algorithms for Syntax Analysis with Abstract Syntax Trees, Program Flow Analysis, and Symbolic Methods, Habilitation Lecture, 3.8.2016, University of Bremen
- Habilitation 2016B
- From the Internet-of-Things to Sensor Clouds - Unified Distributed Computing in Heterogeneous Environments with Mobile Agents, Habilitation Scientific Talk, 3.8.2016, University of Bremen
- Hybrid 2018
- Robust and Adaptive Non Destructive Testing of Hybrids with Guided Waves and Learning Agents, 3. Internationale Konferenz Hybrid Materials and Structures, 18-19.4.2018, Bremen, 2018
- ICAART 2014
- Design of Material-integrated Distributed Data Processing Platforms with Mobile Multi-Agent Systems in Heterogeneous Networks, 6’th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART 2014, 6. -8.3.2014, Anger, France
- IWK 2010
- Hardware Synthesis of Complex System-on-Chip-Designs for Embedded Systems Using a Behavioural Programming and Multi-Process Model, Proceedings of the 55th IWK – Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Session C4, Ilmenau, 13 – 17 Sept. 2010
- SPIE 2013
- Intelligent Microchip Networks: An Agent-on-Chip Synthesis Framework for the Design of Smart and Robust Sensor Networks, SPIE Microtechnologie Conference, Session EMT 102 VLSI Circuits and Systems, 24-26 April 2013, Alpexpo/Grenoble, France
- SSC 2019
- Combining Crowd Sensing and Social Data Mining with Agent-based Simulation using Mobile Agents towards Augmented Virtuality, Proc. of the Social Simulation Conference, 24-27.9.2019, Mainz, Germany
- SSI 2015
- From the Internet-of-Things to Sensor Clouds - Unified Distributed Computing in Heterogeneous Environments with Smart and Mobile Multi-Agent Systems, Smart Systems Integration Conference, 2015, Copenhagen, 2015
- SSI 2018
- Computing within Materials: Self-Adaptive Materials and Self-organizing Agents, Smart Systems Integration Conference, 11-12.4.2018, Dresden, 2018
- SysInt 2018
- A Unified System Modelling and Programming Language based on JavaScript and a Semantic Type System, 19-20.6.2018, 4th International Conference on System-integrated Intelligence Intelligent, flexible and connected systems in products and production Hannover, Germany, 2018
- TDL 2019
- WEB-basierte Interaktive Notebooks und Tutorials für das
maschinell geführte Selbststudium, Tag der Lehre, 4.12.2019,
Universität Bremen, "Informatiklehre und Digital — Passt das? Muss
das?", Bremen, Germany
- Verbund 2017
- Autonomous Property Change in Adaptive Composites: A Simulation-based study on Multi-Agent-Systems Approaches, DGM Verbundwerkstoffe Congress, 21. Symposium, 5. - 7. July 2017