6th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence Intelligent, flexible and connected systems in products and production
SysInt is an international conference about system-integrated intelligence, held biannually. The conference provides a forum for academia and industry to disseminate their latest innovations and practices in field of system-integrated intelligence. The goal is to present recent and exciting results on the integration of new, intelligent functionalities into materials, components, systems and products. The conference addresses industry and society needs, requirements and expectations.
More information can be found here: SYSINT2022
Remote participation will be possible
The technical committee invites authors to submit maximum 5-page papers in
standard double-column format, including figures and tables, to clearly present the
work, methods, originality, significance and applications of the techniques discussed. The last page should be dedicated to references.
All accepted papers will be published in proceedings with ISBN and DOI.
The 6th edition will take place in Genova, Italy. The conference will be organized into the following Scientific Tracks
Topics and Tracks:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Pervasive and Ubiquitous Intelligence
- Sensors and Sensing Systems
- Smart Factory and Logistic Systems
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Soft Robotics
- Human Machine Interaction
- Cognitive Systems
Maurizio Valle, Univ. of Genoa, Italy
Stefan Bosse, Univ. of Bremen, Ger.
Christian Gianoglio, Univ. of Genoa, Ita.
Ali Ibrahim, Lebanese Int. Univ., Leb. and
Univ. of Genoa, Ita.
Dirk Lehmhus, Fraunhofer IFAM, Ger.
Edoardo Ragusa, Univ. of Genoa, Ita.
Silvia Ferrari, Pragma Congressi srl, Ita.
Giovanni Berselli, Univ. of Genoa, Ita.
Stefan Bosse, Univ. of Bremen, Ger.
Lorenzo Capineri, Univ. of Florence, Ita.
Fu-Kuo Chang, Stanford Univ., USA
Hussein Chible, Lebanese Univ., Leb.
Nikolaus Correll, Univ. Colorado Boulder, USA
Berend Denkena, Univ. of Hanover, Ger.
Nikhil Gupta, New York Univ, USA
Dirk Lehmhus, Fraunhofer IFAM, Ger.
Stefano Mariani, Polytechnic of Milan, Ita.
YasserMohanna, LebaneseUniv., Leb.
Hassan Mostafa, Cairo Univ., Egy.
Max Pfingsthorn,Univ. ofOldenburg,Ger.
PierPaoloPompa, ItalianInst.ofTechnology,Ita.
Michael Sinapius, TU Braunschweig, Ger.
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Univ. of Bremen., Ger.
Flavio Tonelli,Univ. ofGenoa, Ita.
ThorstenWuest, West VirginiaUniv,USA