Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

Stefan Bosse

University of Bremen, Dept. Mathematics & Computer Science, Bremen, Germany

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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors


Motivation and Objectives

This work demonstrates the benefits of agent-based simulation and learning agents for the self-organised and decentralised optimisation of traffic and logistics flows in cities

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Methods and Paradigms

This work addresses three paradigms to create smart city control:

  1. Cooperating and interacting Multi-agent Systems;

  2. Reinforcement Learning (RL);

    • Rule-based control + Unsupervised Learning
  3. Self-organisation and self-adaptivity.

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Traffic Flow Control

Traffic and logistics flow control should be achieved on three levels:

  1. Ensemble control by the environment

    • using traffic signals and signs;
    • using common traffic control algorithms based on sensor data (collected, e.g., by street cameras);
    • using centralised logistics scheduling and planning systems;
  2. Individual control by driving entities. e.g.,

    • influencing routing and decision making of individuals via social media or navigation systems;
    • influencing (long-range) routing by recommender systems and learning navigation agents
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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

Traffic Flow Control

  1. Local automatic group control, e.g.,
    • vehicle-to-vehicle communication and control using local interaction agents;
    • world-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-world communication and control using local interaction agents.
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There are physical and computational agents handled by one unified agent model

Physical Agents. Coupled to mobile platform and representing physical entities (humans, vehicles, products, machines, ..)

Computational Agents. Representation and implementation of mobile software

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General Agent Behaviour Model

  • Reactive activity- and state-based Agents: Behaviour of agent is partitioned into activities composing an activity-transition graph (ATG)


Activity-Transition Graph (ATG) behaviour and data model of an agent for a specific class AC (left). Physical and computational agents differ in their action set (middle). Physical and computational agents can communicate with each other (right)

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Learning Agent Architecture

  • Based on the ATG model combined with Reinforcement Learning


The proposed hybrid parameterised agent architecture combining reactive state-based action selection with RL

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Functional Agent Model

  • The hybrid agent model consists of a set of connected functions Φ{fi}:


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Utility Function

  • The utility function u(S): Sr provides the necessary input for the reinforcement learning instance (reward function)

  • The utility function uses a set of internal and external state variables S derived from sensor input (Per):

type states S = {
v0: Normalised average speed,
ds0: Distances to s={front, back,
left, right}
neighbour vehicles,
de, Δde: Distance to destination and
delta change (progress),
td: Direction to destination
(0-360 degree),
r0: Direction of vehicle
(0-360 degree),
qt0: Queuing time,
dd: Allowed driving and turning
P: Set of possible paths from
current position to destination
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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

Multi-agent System

  • Vehicle Agent → Rule-based short-range navigation

  • Navigation Agent → Reinforcement Learning of long-range navigation for path length and time optimisation

  • Traffic Control Agent → Flow sensing and control (traffic lights and signs)


Environmental sensors used by agents and agent interaction

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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

Agent Behaviour

  • Coupled vehicle and navigation agents perform different actions:

Vehicle Agent

Act = [
Moving one step
left, right, backward,
or ahead: |Δ|=1,
Satisfy distance constraints:
Increasing or decreasing the
vehicle speed,
Follow short-range Δ displacement
vector (minΔ),
Stopping movement
Act = [
Change direction to N/S/W/E,
Keep direction (forced),
Change vehicle speed,
Change destination,
Escape blocking situations
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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors


Although the learning and adaptive long-range traffic routing can be deployed in real world, simulation is used to investigate training and impact of the proposed approach

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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

Simulation Environment for JAM

Core component: The JavaScript Agent Machine is a portable and powerful agent processing platform written in JavaScript and capable to execute JavaScript agents

  • SEJAM extends the agent platform JAM with a simulation and visualisation layer

  • SEJAM support the concept of closed-loop simulation for augmented virtuality

  • Mobile and non-mobile devices executing the JAM platform can be connected with the virtual simulation world (via the Internet)

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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

Simulation Environment for JAM

#simulation0 Virtual simulation world (Simulator SEJAM) coupled to real worlds via the Internet and unified agent processing platforms (JAM)

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Live Demonstration

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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

The Simulation Model

  • The simulation model and the agents are programmed entirely in JavaScript

  • It consists of

    • the definition of the agent behaviour code, and
    • the definition of the simulation world
  • Physical and computational agents can be modelled the same way!

    • Each agent is modelled by agent class function
    • The simulation model declares the agent type (physical vs. computational)
    • Phyiscal agents are associated with geometric shapes for visualisation
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Stefan Bosse: Self-adaptive Traffic and Logistics Flow Control using Learning Agents and Ubiquitous Sensors

The Simulation Model

// Agent Class Constructors
function world (options) {
this.XX=xx this.act={} this.trans={} this.on={} }
function vehicle (options) {
this.XX=xx this.act={} this.trans={} this.on={} }
function navigator (options) {
this.XX=xx this.act={} this.trans={} this.on={} }
// Simulation World Model Descriptor
model = {
agents : { world : { behaviour:world, visual : { .. }, .. },
resources : { street : { .. }, place : { .. }, signal : { .. }, .. },
nodes : { world : { .. }, vehicle : { .. } , navigator : { .. },
parameter : { .. },
world : { init : {..}, map : {..}, resources : {..}, patchgrid : {..} }
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The Simulation World


  • Streets
  • Crossings
  • Free areas
  • Traffic light signs
  • Vehicles


  • Physical: Vehicle∩Navigation, Traffic
  • Computational: World
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The Simulation Live!

SEJAM2 (Learning Navigation Agents)
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Results and Conclusions

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  • Two cases were evaluated: (1) Non pre-trained agents and (2) pre-trained agents with a seed of of 4 different agents selected from (1)
  • Both cases show a monotonic increase of globally averaged path efficiency (time and path length)


Path eff.: (Left) Without pre-trained agents (Right) With pre-trained agents

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  • The averaged global learning progress (averaged reward) increases monotonically, too.


Progress of global reward without pre-trained agents

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  1. In contrast to common traffic management controlling traffic lights and signals only, this work addressed traffic flow optimisation on micro-level by adapting decision making processes of vehicles, primarily long-range navigation and re-routing, optionally with vehicle speed control.

  2. Training of reinforcement learning navigation agents by thousands of trial-and-error cycles requires a long time to reach a satisfying navigation strategy better than random walk and is only possible in simulation worlds. Otherwise domestic traffic would collapse if performed in real world.

  3. Simulation results from an agent-based simulation of an artificial urban area show that the deployment of such a micro-level vehicle control just by individual decision making, learning, and re-routing based on local environmental sensors can reach near optimal routing still under high traffic densities (regarding total route length and travelling times).

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Thank You!

Thank you for your attention. All questions are welcome!



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