Chapter 11
Simulation of the AAPL Agent Behaviour Model, the Agent Processing
Platforms, and the Simulation of Sensor Networks
The SeSAm Agent Simulator 364
Behavioural AAPL MAS Simulation 366
Simulation of Real-world Sensor Networks 368
PCSP Platform Simulation 369
The SEM Simulation Programming Language 373
SEJAM: Simulation Environment for JAM 383
Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 386
Further Reading 403
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
This chapter addresses various simulation approaches to study the opera-
tional behaviour of MAS and the agent process platform themselves,
distinguishing between behavioural and platform simulation.
11.1 The SeSAm Agent Simulator
Agent-based simulation involves different tasks [KLU09]: The Design of a
simulation model, the implementation of a computer simulation model, the
observing and controlling of the simulation, the observing and immersive
testing, calibration and experimentation, and finally the output interpretation.
The SeSAm (Shell for Simulated Agent Systems, details can be found in
[KLU09]) offers a GUI-based modelling, simulation, and visualization environ-
ment that was developed to address most of the previously mentioned tasks.
A SeSAm simulation model describes the elements of a multi-agent model: The
structure and dynamics of agents and their environment, the configuration of
situations, instrumentation, and the experimental setup including the
For a runnable simulation the following parts must be addressed and the
steps must be performed [KLU09]:
1. Modelling of the data set with built-in and user defined primitive and
data types;
2. Declaration of Agents, Resources, and the world environment provid-
ing the structure and the dynamics of the entire system to be simu-
3. Configuration and Communication (Protocol) Declaration;
4. Integration to the Simulation Run Configuration;
5. Experiment and Interface Declaration.
In SeSAm, there are agents capable of moving in a two-dimensional world. A
geometric object can be assigned to an agent, visualizing the current position
of the agent in the world. The world is treated as a non-mobile agent, too.
Finally, there are resources that are passive. The structure diagram of the
SeSAm simulation model is shown in Figure 11.1.
An agent consists of body variables, a geometric shape (optional), and a
reasoning engine describing the agent behaviour. The reasoning engine is
modelled with an activity-transition graph, similar to the AAPL model. An activ-
ity executes actions that can have different effects (the outcome):
Modification of the body variables of the agent or the public visible
body variables of other agents, resources, and the world;
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.1 The SeSAm Agent Simulator 365
Fig. 11.1 SeSAm Simulation Model Diagram
Change of the spatial location or the geometric shape of an agent;
Creation of new or the destruction of existing agents or resources;
Social contact to other agents and perception by reading public visible
body variables of other agents.
In contrast to the AAPL behaviour model, there is only one control thread,
preventing the implementation of signal handlers directly. Furthermore,
SeSAm agents interaction bases on the shared memory paradigm. And finally,
the ATG cannot be modified at simulation time (no activities and no transi-
tions can be added, modified, or removed).
The SeSAm run-time simulator schedules all agent updates (executing activi-
ties) randomly. An agent update cycles starts with the world update first. This
is the only inherent synchronisation constraint in the simulation run and sim-
ulation environment seen by the agents.
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
11.2 Behavioural AAPL MAS Simulation
The behavioural simulation of the agents based on the AAPL model using
the SeSAm agent behaviour model, which represents only a partial subset of
the AAPL model, and hence requires the application of some transformation
a. Each AAPL agent class AC
is implemented with a SeSAm agent class S
b. Each AAPL subclass AC
is implemented with a SeSAm agent class S
. At
run-time different agents exist derived from each subclass;
c. Functions and procedures of an AAPL agent class AC
must be imple-
mented with SeSAm feature class F
d. AAPL signal handlers required for the parent-child agent group com-
munication must be implemented with a separated SeSAm agent class
. At simulation time each AAPL agent having signal handlers is
associated with a shadow agent of the class S
e. Signals are passed by synchronized queues;
f. AAPL activities a
that contain blocking statements (tuple space access
and waiting for time-outs) require a split into a set of computational
and blocking SeSAm activities a
, a’
, a’
g. Migration of agents is only virtual by changing the position of a SeSAm
agent and connecting the agent to the new node agent infrastructure.
Migration of agents requires the migration of the shadow agents (sig-
nal handler agents), too.
In addition to real hardware and software implemented agent processing
platforms there is the capability of the simulation of the agent behaviour,
mobility, and interaction on a functional level. The SeSAm simulation frame-
work offers the necessary platform for the modelling, simulation, and
visualization of mobile multi-agent systems deployed in a two-dimensional
world. The behaviours of agents are modelled with activity graphs (specifying
the agent reasoning machine) close to the AAPL model. Activity transitions
depend on the evaluation of conditional expressions using agent variables.
Agent variables can have a private or global (shared) scope. Basically, SeSAm
agent interaction is performed by modification and access of shared variables
and resources (static agents). In addition to the agent reasoning specification
there are global visible feature packages that define variables and function
operating on these variables. Features can be added to each agent class.
Agents can change their position in the two-dimensional world map enabling
mobility, and new agents can be created at run-time by other agents. The
SeSAm framework was chosen due to the activity-based agent behaviour and
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.2 Behavioural AAPL MAS Simulation 367
the data model, which can be immediately synthesized from the common
AAPL source and can be imported by the simulator from a text based file
stored in XML format. This model exchange feature allows the tight coupling
of the simulator to the synthesis framework.
In principle, AAPL activity graphs can be directly mapped on the SeSAm agent
reasoning model. But there are limitations that inhibit the direct mapping.
First of all, AAPL activities (IO/event-based) can block (suspend) the agent pro-
cessing until an event occurs. Blocking agent behaviour is not provided
directly by SeSAm. Second, the transition network can change during run-time.
Finally, the handling of concurrent asynchronous signals used in AAPL for
inter-agent communication cannot be established with the generic activity
processing in SeSAm (the provided exception handling is only used for excep-
tional termination of agents).
For this reason, the agent activity transitions including the dynamic transi-
tion network capability are managed by a special transition scheduler, shown
in Figure 11.2. This transition scheduler handles signals and timers, too, which
are processed prioritized and passed to the signal scheduler. Each agent activ-
ity is activated by the transition scheduler. After a specific activity was
processed, the transition scheduler is activated and entered again. An AAPL
activity can be split in computational and IO/event-based sub-activities in the
presence of blocking statements (e.g. in and rd tuple space interaction).
There is a special node agent implementing the tuple database with lists
(partitioned to different spaces for each dimension), and managing agents
and signals actually bound to this particular node.
Fig. 11.2 AAPL behavioural simulation model mapped on the SeSAm MAS model
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
Concurrent manipulation of lists is non-atomic operations in SeSAm, and
hence requires mutual exclusion.
The AAPL mobility, interaction, configuration, and replication statements are
implemented by feature packages.
11.3 Simulation of Real-world Sensor Networks
The simulation of the operation of entire sensor networks deploying MAS
commonly requires real data from the environmental world, which does not
exist. To overcome this limitation, the SeSAm agent simulator was embedded
in a database centric unified simulation environment, connecting the MAS
simulator with FEM and numerical computation programs (e.g., MATLAB),
shown in Figure 11.3. This approach introduces multi-domain and multi-scale
simulation capabilities.
The central part of the simulation framework is an SQL database server
enabling the data exchange and synchronization between different programs,
mainly the Multi-Agent Simulator SeSAm and the MATLAB program used, for
example, for inverse numerical computations.
Fig. 11.3 Simulation Framework with a database approach: Multi-Agent Simulator
SeSAm, MATLAB, and other utility programs are exchanging data and synchro-
nizing using an SQL database server, which provides an RPC interface for
synchronization, too.
6(6$0 0$6 6LPXODWRU
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.4 PCSP Platform Simulation 369
A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface provides synchronization between
the programs of the framework. All programs are communicating with the
database server by using named file system pipes.
This approach has the advantage to require only a native file system inter-
face for connecting a heterogeneous program environment, supported
basically by all programs. No program modification and no special database
or inter-process communication modules are required.
11.4 PCSP Platform Simulation
This section will demonstrate that agent-based simulation is suitable to for
the simulation of the PCSP agent processing platform itself and large scale dis-
tributed networks, e.g., sensor networks, using the agent-based SeSAm
simulator. Simulation and analysis of parallel and distributed systems are a
challenge. Performance profiling and the detection of race conditions or
deadlocks are essential in the design of such systems, where the agent pro-
cessing platform is a central part. Furthermore, platform simulation allows
the estimation and optimization of static resources like agent tables or
queues, completed with the ability to study the temporal behaviour of the
entire network including communication treated as a distributed virtual
machine, e.g., identifying bottlenecks for specific task situations, hard to mon-
itor in technical systems.
Behavioural simulation [BOS14A][BOS14B] maps agents of the MAS to be
tested directly and isomorphic on agent objects of the simulation model. Plat-
form simulation uses agents to implement architectural blocks like the agent
manager or activity processes. Hence, agents of the MAS are virtually repre-
sented by the data space of the simulator, and not by the agent objects
The simulation of the processing platform with large scale networks pro-
cessing large scale MAS aid to modify and refine the PCSP architecture, and to
tune the static resource parameters like token pool and queue sizes or activity
process replication to optimise timing. The platform simulation allows a fine-
grained estimation of the required resources.
11.4.1 The Simulation Model
The networks to be simulated (aka. the simulated world) consist of nodes
arranged in a two-dimensional mesh grid, with each node connected to his
four neighbour nodes, shown in Figure 11.4 for a 10 by 10 sensor network
with dedicated computational nodes at the outsides of the network. The
entire platform and network system is partitioned into different non-mobile
agent and resource classes (a resource is a passive agent with a data state
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
World Agent. The world agent creates all node agents and provides some net-
work wide services. The world agent implements a reduced physical
environment, e.g., by creating sensor signals or by disabling (destroying) con-
nections between network nodes. Connections are represented by resources
(passive agents providing only a geometric shape and body variables).
Node Agent. Each node is represented by a node agent, basically providing a
common interface to data structures and tables required by the node manag-
ers and the activity processes. The node agent creates all the platform agents
at the beginning of the simulation run.
Manager Agent. There is one "agent manager" agent for each agent class that
is supported on the network node platform.
Network Manager Agents. There are two network manager agents. One input
network manager agent handling incoming messages from neighbour nodes,
decoding messages, creating agent or signal tokens, and finally passing the
tokens to the agent or signal manager. The second output network manager
agent is responsible for encoding and sending of messages carrying agent
states or signals.
Activity Process Agents. For each agent class and each activity process of an
agent class there is one activity processing agent performing token-based
agent processing. The sub-states of an activity process are implemented by a
simple sub-state selector and token loop-backing providing a sub-state FSM.
Each activity process agent has local storage and a global visible token input
Monitor Agent. There is one monitor agent per world collecting temporal
resolved statistical data, finally writing the results to a CSV data file.
Token and Queues. The agent token queues are implemented with lists in the
body variable space of each node agent. The size of the list can be monitored
at run-time to detect resource underflow. Mutex-guarded operations
(inq,outq) allow concurrent access to the queues by different agents (man-
ager, activity processes,..). Tokens are record structures with additional
descriptive entries like the current queue they are stored in.
Virtual Agent. For visualization and debugging there is a mobile virtual agent
resource representing an agent to be processed by a specific agent node plat-
form. The virtual agent references the data and control state of an agent.
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.4 PCSP Platform Simulation 371
Fig. 11.4 Simulation world of a sensor network (left) consisting of 10x10 nodes and the
network populated with non-mobile platform and virtual mobile agents (right)
11.4.2 Performance Analysis with an Use-case
The platform simulation was compared with the behavioural simulation
from previous work in Table 11.1 for the simulation of a self-organizing MAS
used for feature extraction in a sensor network. The behaviour model of the
MAS is described in detail in [BOS14B]. It bases on a distributed divide-and-
conquer approach. The number of (non-mobile) agents implementing the
processing platform depends mainly on the number of activities decomposing
the agent behaviour and the number of agent classes to be supported on the
platform. For this example, the platform simulation model requires five times
more agents and twenty times more computing time than the behavioural
model. But the required resources and computing time for the fine-grained
platform simulation is still reasonable and can be handled well with low end
The analysis of a simulation run is shown in Figure 11.5. It shows the tempo-
ral resolved analysis of the population of explorer agents of the MAS and the
utilization of the PCSP network for nodes processing actually agents. There are
nodes capable to process up to four agents simultaneous (speed-up 4, in dif-
ferent activity states and processes). The mean speed-up factor is about 1.5
for all nodes actually processing agents. Both the platform and behavioural
simulation deliver the same computational results of the distributed MAS.
Computational Node
Sensor Node
Virtual Agent Ressource
Signal Manager
Network-Input Manager
Network Connection
Network-Output Manager
Agent Manager
Node Agent
Connection &
Link Ressource
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
Fig. 11.5 Analysis of the MAS simulation: (Left) Temporal development of the agent pop-
ulation (explorer agent) and the rise of found features in the sensor network
(Right) Utilization of the platform processes (peak parallel agent processing
on one node, mean parallel active processes per node, and mean agent
tokens queued per active node).
Behavioural Simula-
Platform Simulation
Number of Agents and
static:300 agents, 700
res.; dynamic: 130
explorer agents
static: 1600 agents, 700
res.; dynamic: 130 virtual
agent resources
Simulation time including
setup of simulation, with a
correlated cluster sce-
nario of 8 nodes, until
MAS has finished work.
60 simulation steps in
5 s (on 1.2 GHz Intel
U9300, 3GB)
280 simulation steps in
60 s (on 1.2 GHz Intel
U9300, 3GB)
Tab. 11.1 Comparison of behavioural and platform simulation of the same MAS
[BOS14B] using the SeSAm simulator
Peak Parallel Agent Proc.
Mean Parallel Act. Proc.
Mean Queued Act. Agents
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.5 The SEM Simulation Programming Language 373
11.5 The SEM Simulation Programming Language
The activity-based procedural-functional SEM programming language pro-
vides statements for the description of the behaviour of state-based agents
by using activities and transitions creating an activity flow and which enable
activities. Activities and functions provide generic functional expressions and
procedural statements to perform computation and actions. The SEM pro-
gramming language is a text level design interface for the Multi-Agent System
(MAS) simulation environment SeSAm, which provides only a GUI model entry
level. It is closely related to the SeSAm agent and world model, but it is
extended with some convenient functions and statements, easing the design
of complex MAS.
11.5.1 SEM Classes Model
An agent belongs to a particular agent class defining body variables, activi-
ties, and transitions between activities, summarized in Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
The simulation world is treated as a non-mobile agent, too (without any
geometric shape associated). Resources are passive agents without a reason-
ing behaviour, consisting of data and an optional geometric shape only.
Feature classes are packages that are composed of user defined types, func-
tions, and variables, which can be imported and used by agent, world, and
other feature classes.
SEM Statement Description
Definition of an agent class consisting
of variable definitions, import of fea-
ture classes, activities, and transi-
tions. The shape definition parameter
list is optional, defining the visual
appearance of an agent (geometric
Definition of a world class consisting
of variable definitions, import of fea-
ture classes, activities, and transi-
Tab. 11.2 SEM Agent, Word, Resource, and Feature Class Definitions
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
11.5.2 SEM Definitions, Expressions, Values, and Types
The SEM language supports the definition of values (immutable or mutable)
and functions in the same language style using the def statement. A function
is considered as being a dynamic value with parameters, summarized in Table
Definition of a resources class con-
sisting of variable definitions and
import of feature classes. The shape
definition parameter list is optional.
Definition of a feature class including
variable and function definitions.
Within agent, world or feature classes
other feature classes can be
imported by using the use statement
SEM Statement Description
Definition of an agent activity repre-
senting the state of the agent. State-
ments of the activity are executed in
sequential order before, immediately,
or after an activity was activated by a
Definition of agent state transitions
(conditionally depending on the eval-
uation of a boolean expression and
Tab. 11.3 SEM Class Statements
SEM Statement Description
Tab. 11.2
SEM Agent, Word, Resource, and Feature Class Definitions
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.5 The SEM Simulation Programming Language 375
Expressions have a specific data type and are composed of values of the
same data type DT. Expressions can appear in assignments, transitions, and
conditional branch statements, summarized in Table 11.5.
The set of supported expression operators include arithmetic operators
{+,,*,/,%}, relational operators {<,>,=,<>,>=,<=}, and Boolean operators
SEM Statement Description
Definition of an enumeration (sum)
type with symbolic type elements X, Y,
Definition of a record structure type
consisting of elements x, y.. with spec-
ified data types DT. Each record type
definition introduces an automatic
definition of a type constructor func-
tion with the same name, which can
be used in expressions to create a
record type value.
Definition of global read only, global
mutable, and private data storage
objects of data type DT derived from
the initial value or specified with an
explicit type declaration.
Definition of a (named) function with
function parameters x, y. The data
type of the parameters can be speci-
fied explicitly by an additional type
declaration. Type inference of func-
tion parameters is limited.
Declaration of a function type inter-
face (supported only for built-in prim-
itive functions)
Tab. 11.4 SEM Definition of types, values, and functions
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
All operators of an expression must have the same type. Explicit type con-
version can be used to convert a native data type to the expression type.
Type Value Description
integer 2,‐1,0,1,2,3,4,
Signed integer number (decimal
double 2.41,..,2.41,..
Floating type number (decimal
string "abc"
String (character text array)
boolean true,false
Boolean value.
list {v
List of values and empty list
array [|v
Array of values and empty array.
There is no array type in SeSAm,
therefore it is emulated with lists
(or hash tables).
record T(v
Record value constructor func-
tion for record type T with
optional labels specifying the
record element.
Instance of an agent class
Type conversion (applicable to
expressions, values, variables),
type casting (applicable to varia-
bles only).
Tab. 11.5 SEM constant values and types
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.5 The SEM Simulation Programming Language 377
Function application is provided by using the function name and an argu-
ment list, which can be empty. Arguments containing expressions are
evaluated before function application. Function applications can be embed-
ded in expressions.
11.5.3 SEM Paths
Access of objects (variables) from other agents is performed by using paths.
A path selector requires a root variable pointing to a valid simulation object.
Path selectors can be used in expressions and on the LHS of an assignment. A
variable x containing a valid simulation object reference is the root element of
the path selector, which resolves a variable vref of an agent belonging to the
specified agent or world class class:
11.5.4 SEM Lists, Iterators, Arrays
Lists are dynamic data structures, which can be modified at run-time, sum-
marized in Table 11.6. Iterators are derived from lists and are used by
iteration functions provided by SeSAm. Some functions expect lists directly,
other require conversion to an iterator object.
There is no array support in SeSAm. For this reason, arrays are emulated
using hash tables (or lists). The SEM language provides limited array support.
The access time of lists in SeSAm seems to be constant, that concludes the
SeSAm handles lists internally as arrays. But an initial allocated (empty) list
cannot be created, i.e., the creation of lists from an initial empty list has at
least linear complexity.
Type Expression/Statement Description
list L.[expr]
Selection of a list element using
an index expression (head and
tail are keywords - the tail index
is evaluated at run-time).).
list L.[expr]:=expr;
Modifies a selected list element
using an index expression.
list L@{v
Concatenation of lists
Tab. 11.6 SEM List and set type definitions
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
11.5.5 SEM Sequential Composition, Branches, and Loops
The programming paradigm of SeSAm is basically functional. Only actions in
activities are executed procedural. To execute a sequential list of statements
; S
; S
;..., they must be wrapped in a block statement, and each statement
must be separated by a semicolon:
list e::L
Add an element to the top of the
list L.
list L::+e;
Append new element e at the
end or before the head of the list
list x::‐L;
Remove last or first element
form list L and assign the
removed element to the variable
Functions for conversion
between iterators and lists
Instance of an agent class
Type Expression/Statement Description
Tab. 11.6
SEM List and set type definitions
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.5 The SEM Simulation Programming Language 379
Kind Value Description
Depending on the result of the
boolean expression cond a
branch occurs either to stat-
ment1 (expr=true) or to the
optional alternative statement0
Depending on the result of the
boolean expression cond either
(cond=true) or the required
(cond=false) is evaluated
and its value is returned
Different constant values are
compared with the result of the
expression expr and the respec-
tive statements are selected on
successful matching. There is no
default else case (matching all
other values)!
Different constant values are
compared with the result of the
expression expr and the respec-
tive expressions are evaluated
on successful matching. There is
no default else case (matching all
other values)! A functional case
branch must be complete and
must contain all possible cases
(so it is limited to enumeration
Tab. 11.7 SEM branch statements [can be functional or procedural]
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
There are different loop statements available. Each loop repeats the execu-
tion of the loop body as long as a Boolean condition is satisfied. A counting
loop iterates a list of values, either specified explicitly by a set/list or implicitly
by a range set constructor.
11.5.6 SEM Shapes
Agent and resources classes are related to spatially located geometric
objects, which can be (initially) specified as a parameter list of a class.
Kind Value Description
The for-loop executes the loop
body statements for each ele-
ment in the iterator list, either a
range of values or a set/list (vari-
able x) of values. The loop itera-
tor variable i holds the current
value taken from the list.
The range includes the limiting
values a and b.
The while-loop executes the loop
body as long as the boolean
expression expr is true. The test
of the Boolean expression is per-
formed before each loop itera-
Tab. 11.8 SEM loop statements
Kind Parameter Description
Shape colors: black,white,
Shape geometry: rectangle,
Tab. 11.9 SEM branch statements [can be functional or procedural]
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.5 The SEM Simulation Programming Language 381
11.5.7 SEM Example
The following example shows a fraction of a simulation model description
for a simple non-mobile agent (sampling), which collect sensor data from the
world and computes the mean value of the sampled data. Algorithm 11.1
shows the SEM program code for this agent, which uses functions from the
feature class env, shown in Algorithm 11.2. If the sampling agent detects a sig-
nificant mean value, it will create another event agent, which handles sensor
Alg. 11.1 A simple agent description in SEM
1 agentsampling(color:orange,shape:circle,fill:true,size:{2.0,2.0},
2 center:{3.0,1.0})=
3 useenv;importfeatureclass,definesGetMatrixI,...
4 
5 defmutableprivateadc=0end;
6 defmutableprivatemean=0end;
7 defmutablePos=Position(0,0)end;
8 defmutableself:simobject=nullend;
9 defmutablemyworld:simobject=nullend;
10 defmutableParent:simobject
11 defmutablesampled=0end;
12 defmutableThres=100end;
13 
14 
15 [
16 mean:=0;
17 self:=Self();
18 myworld:=GetWorld()
19 ];
20 end;
22 
Shape size specifying the width
and height of the shape (double
Relative shape center point (dou-
ble values).
Shape fill attribute (true/false).
Kind Parameter Description
Tab. 11.9
SEM branch statements [can be functional or procedural]
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
23 [
24 adc:=GetMatrixI(myworld>myworld>Sensors,
25 Pos.Y1,Pos.X1);
26 mean:=(mean+adc)/2;
27 sampled:=sampled+1
28 ];
29 end;
32 [
33 ifmean>Thresthen
34 CreateAgent(Pos.X,Pos.Y,^event)
35 ];
36 end;
38 
39 [
40 AwaitDelay(10.0)
41 ];
42 end;
43 
44 
45 
46 transition(sample,sense);
47 transition(sense,sleep);
48 
49 end;
Alg. 11.2 SEM feature class env
1 featureenv=
2 defprivatemutable_env_tempobj:simobject=nullend;
3 defmutableblocked=falseend;
4 ...
7 def
8 funx:integer,y:integer,
9 agentclass:objinstance‐>
10 CreateObjectAndRemember(agentclass,
11 (funobj:simobject‐>
12 [
13 _env_tempobj:=obj;
14 BeamTo(GetSpatialInfo(obj),
15 CreatePos((x::double)*10.0+5.0,
16 (y::double)*10.0+5.0))
17 ];));_env_tempobj
18 end;
20 def
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.6 SEJAM: Simulation Environment for JAM 383
21 if_env_in_awaitthen
22 [
23 if((GetTime()_env_start_time)>tmo)then
24 [
25 _env_in_await:=false;
26 blocked:=false
27 ]
28 ]
29 else
30 [
31 _env_in_await:=true;
32 _env_start_time:=GetTime();
33 blocked:=true
34 ];
35 end;
37 GETMATRIXELEMENTmat(i,j)WITHcol=0,..,cols1,row=0,..,rows1
38 def
39 row:integer,col:integer‐>
40 GetNth(col,GetNth(row,mat))
41 end;
42 end;
11.6 SEJAM: Simulation Environment for JAM
Commonly, execution and simulation platforms are completely different
environments, and simulators are significantly slower in the agent execution
compared to real-world agent processing on optimized processing platforms.
SEJAM is a MAS AgentJS simulator implemented on top of the JAM platform
layer, executing agents with the same VM as a stand-alone agent platform
would do. This capability leads to a high-speed simulator, only slowed down
by visualization tasks and user interaction. Furthermore, multiple simulators
can be connected via a stream link (sockets, IP links, etc.), improving the simu-
lation performance by supporting parallel agent processing. Finally, the
simulator can be directly connected to any other JAM node and can be inte-
grated in real-world JAM networks.
The SEJAM simulator can be connected to SQL3 data base servers, storing
sensor and monitoring data.
There are two SEJAM implementations: (1) A curses-based text terminal ver-
sion; (2) A node-webkit version based on the webix and graphics JavaScript tool-
The GUI of the SEJAM1 simulator and the simulation world is shown in Fig-
ure 11.6. The GUI consists of the simulation world, in this example composed
of 64 logical nodes connected with virtual circuit links. Each node shape pro-
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
vides information about the node name in the first row, the number of agents
and tuples in the database in the second row, and some flag indicators in the
last row, e.g., flags signalling the existence of specific agents or sensor values.
On the right side there is a code and data navigator. Each node can be
selected including the world object.
The code navigator can be used to explore node and agent information in
JSON tree presentation. The bottom part of the simulator contains a logging
and message window.
Agents can write messages to this window, and a compacted JSON can be
printed from selected items in the object navigator tree.
Furthermore, agents executed in the simulator world inherit a special simu-
lation object, which can be used to get specific simulation and world
information, e.g., the current simulation step, or support for creation of
agents on a specific node, e.g., used by the world agent, that is the only agent
created and started at the beginning of the simulation. Multiple simulator
worlds (SEJAM instances) can be connected enabling the composition of com-
plex simulation worlds.
Fig. 11.6 SEJAM1: Simulation world consisting of logical nodes populated with mobile
and non-mobile agents, indicated by markings on the bottom of the node
shape (blue rectangle)
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.6 SEJAM: Simulation Environment for JAM 385
The SEJAM2 Simulation Environment provides an extended visualization
world (top right window in Figure 11.7). In the show example the world con-
sists of three floors of a building. Shown are beacons (yellow triangles, each
populated with a node agent) and some mobile devices (green rectangles).
The black circles represent communication links of the devices, indicating
the communication range. On the left side the object explorer is shown, and
on the bottom the logging window. There is an extended simulation control
providing a parametrization of the simulation and a statistics monitor module
offering graphical plotting capabilities, e.g., of agent populations.
Fig. 11.7 SEJAM2: JAM with extended visualization and simulation control
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
Access to extended simulation objects and functions (e.g., access of data
bases or simulation control including shape modification) is granted to agents
with an extended privilege level. There is commonly a virtual world agent pro-
viding sensor data to logical nodes of the simulation world.
11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P
Agents are suitable to interact with real world environments. It is promising
to use agents to control physical structures, e.g., adaptive materials. To study
agent interaction with physical models, SEJAM2 was extended with a multi-
body physics simulation engine based on the cannon.js kernel and three.js for
3D visualization, shown in Figure 11.8. The agent and physical model simula-
tions are connected and processed simultaneously enabling agents 1. To
access the physical model for getting sensor input, e.g., strain or forces pro-
vided by virtual sensors; and 2. To access the physical model to modify it, e.g.,
by changing the stiffness of damping of springs.
The physical world consists of the mechanical structure given by a physical
model (FEM or mass-spring multi-body), sensors, and external loading having
impact on the static and dynamic reaction of the structure, including gravity.
For the sake of simplicity, the mechanical structure under test is modelled
with a mass-spring multi-body system. The multi-body physics simulation is
well-known from computer games and animations. It can be easily and effi-
ciently integrated in computational systems like MAS simulators.
Spring and gravity forces have an effect on each mass of the structure.
Therefore, the structure will swing until it converges to a static state.
A simulation model consists basically of three parts: (1) The MAS behaviour
models; (2) The JAM virtual network world; (3) The physical model. All parts are
specified in JavaScript. In this environment, the physical model can be
accessed by all agents.
Typically, the coupling of computational with physical systems by MAS and
the effect of MAS actions on the physical system should be investigated. In
Figure 11.8, a MAS is deployed in a three-dimensional mesh-grid network inte-
grated in an artificial mechanical structure. For the sake of simplicity this
structure is a plate composed of 5x4x2 mass nodes connected by springs. It is
assumed that each network node provides a JAM platform to process agents.
Each node is connected to up to six neighbours with communication links.
Additionally, each node is connected to neighbour nodes by a set of springs,
but only a sub-set is controlled by a specific computer and mass node.
In Example 11.1 a typical simulation model is shown. The simulation model
is identical to a SEJAM2 model extended with a physical model section. The
model defines two agent classes node and world and their visualization with
shapes in the classes section (line 3). Each agent class descriptor consists of
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 387
the behaviour, visual, and optional event handler parts. All section keywords
are highlighted.
The physics section (line 29) assigns the physical model to a named scene.
There is an optional parameter section (line 34) defining simulation param-
eters that can be accessed by the model (agents) and modified at run-time
with the GUI.
The final world section (line 43) defines the construction of the MAS simula-
tion world. In this simulation, a predefined mesh-grid world is used (line 70),
composed of JAM nodes and channel links.
The agent behaviour of the node agent is shown in Example 11.2. It consists
of function constructing the agent object from this template.
Fig. 11.8 (Top, Left) Multi-domain simulation coupling a physics and MAS simulator.
(Right) Relation of Physical and Logical Models mapping computational on
physical mass nodes (Bottom, Left) Physical Mass-Spring Model
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
Fig. 11.9 SEJAM2P: Combined Multi-body Physics and MAS simulator
The template consists of private body variables (lines 2 to 44), auxiliary
functions (lines 47 to 52) used by activity and transition functions, and finally
the activity (line 55), transition (line 307, and event handler (line 319) sections.
The last statement defines the initial activity (next). In lines 171 to 176 the
simulation parameters are accessed updating internal agent parameters.
Finally, the physical model is shown in Example 11.3, constructing a plate of
mass nodes and springs arranged on two fixed walls (see Figure 11.8, right
side). Mostly the CANNON API is used to define the physical simulation model,
extended with some MAS API functions supporting agent access of this model.
A physical mass node consists of a CANNON box defining the geometric
shape and a body defining the physical properties.
Ex. 11.1 Example of a typical SEJAM2P top-level simulation model
1 {
2 name:'MySimulationWorld',
3 classes:{
4 node:{
5 
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epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 389
6 visual:{
7 shape:'circle',
8 width:10,height:10,x:5,y:5,
9 fill:{color:'red',opacity:0.5}
10 },
11 
12 'TS.SIG':{
13 shape:'circle',
14 width:6,height:6,x:5,y:5,
15 fill:{color:'black',opacity:0.5},
16 time:10
17 },
18 }
19 },
20 world:{
21 
22 
23 shape:'circle',
24 width:50,height:50,center:{x:0,y:0},
25 fill:{color:'green',opacity:0.0}
26 }
27 }
28 },
29 
30 scenes:{
31 plate:open('plate.js')
32 }
33 },
34 
35 adapt:'no',
36 lowPassK:1.0,
37 mark:'strain',
38 scale:1/10,
39 update:'dynamic',//'static''dynamic'
40 deltaPhy:5,//terminationthresholdwithupdate=static
41 stepPhy:100
42 },
43 
44 init:{
45 agents:{
46 node:function(nodeId,position){
47 //Createoneachnodeanodeagent,returnrespective
48 //agentparameters!Ifnoagentshouldbecreatedonthe
49 //respectivenode,undefinedmustbereturned!
50 if(nodeId!='world')
51 return{level:1,args:[
52 {x:position.x,y:position.y,z:position.z,
53 adapt:'local',//false,//'local','global'
54 mark:'strain',
55 
56 eps:0.02,
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
57 verbose:0,
58 //scale:0.03
59 scale:0.5
60 }]}
61 },
62 world:function(nodeId){
63 if(nodeId=='world')return{level:3,args:[{model:model}]};
64 }
65 },
66 physics:function(phy){
67 phy.changeScene('plate',{stiffness:70});
68 }
69 },
70 
71 //yaxis
72 rows:5,
73 //xaxis
74 cols:4,
75 //zaxis
76 levels:2,
77 //allzlevelnetworksarrangedinamatrix
78 matrix:[[0,0],[200,0]],
79 
80 node:{
81 //Noderessourcevisualobject
82 visual:{
83 shape:'rect',
84 width:30,height:30,
85 fill:{color:'green',opacity:0.5}
86 }
87 
88 //Linkportconnectors
89 port:{
90 type:'unicast',
91 place:function(node){return[
92 {x:15,y:0,id:'WEST'},
93 {x:15,y:0,id:'EAST'},
94 {x:0,y:15,id:'NORTH'},
95 {x:0,y:15,id:'SOUTH'},
96 {x:15,y:15,id:'UP'},
97 {x:15,y:15,id:'DOWN'}
98 ]},
99 visual:{
100 shape:'rect',
101 fill:{color:'black',opacity:0.5},width:5,height:5
102 }
103 },
104 //Connectionsbetweennodes(with
105 link:{
106 //Linkresourcevisualobject
107 connect:function(node1,node2,port1,port2){returntrue},
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11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 391
108 type:'unicast',//unicastmulticast
109 visual:{
110 shape:'rect',
111 fill:{color:'#888',opacity:0.5},width:2
112 }
113 }
114 },
115 
116 return[
117 ,280),
118 ]
119 },
120 
121 world:function(x,y){
122 return{
123 id:'world',
124 x:x,y:y,
125 visual:{
126 shape:'icon',icon:'world',
127 label:{text:'World',fontSize:14},
128 width:50,height:50,
129 fill:{color:'black',opacity:0.5}
130 }
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 }
135 }
Ex. 11.2 The node agent behaviour model
1 functionnode(options){
2 this.location={x:options.x,y:options.y,z:options.z};
3 this.myNode=none;
4 this.mySensors={};
5 this.sensors={};
6 this.sensors0={};
7 this.sensorsN=0;
8 this.springs={};
9 this.action='wait';
10 this.child=none;
11 this.objPhy=none;
12 this.pending=0;
13 this.verbose=options.verbose||false;
14 this.strain=undefined;
15 this.strain0=undefined;
16 this.strainS=undefined;
17 this.strainDelta=0;
18 this.force=undefined;
19 this.force0=undefined;
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
20 this.forceV=undefined;
21 ;
22 this.wait=0;
23 this.swapped=0;
24 this.votes=[];
25 this.swapPending=0;
26 
27 this.settings={
28 adapt:options.adapt||'no',
29 eps:options.eps||0.2,//|strainstrain0|notifythreshold
30 energyThres:3,
31 mark:options.mark||'force',
32 lowPassK:1.0,
33 negotiate:options.negotiate||false,
34 scale:options.scale||10,
36 strainThres:2.0,
37 strainLow:0.5,
38 stiffnessHigh:80,
39 stiffnessLow:30,
40 swapHighEnergy:true,
41 vote:10//|stiffnessstiffnesVote|votethreshold
42 }
43 this.stiffness=0;
44 this.stiffnessVote=0;
46 //Auxiliaryfunctions
47 this.ofVec=function(o){..};
48 this.toVec=function(o){..};
49 this.equalVec=
50 this.formatVec=function(v){..};
51 this.parseVec=function(s){..};
52 this.strainTostiffness=function(s){..};
53 this.filter=function(v,v0,k){..};
54 
55 this.
56 init:function(){
57 varn=0;
58 this.myNode=myNode();
59 this.sensors={};this.stiffness=0;
60 this.objPhy=simu.simuPhy.get(this.myNode);
61 log('Startingat'+this.location.x+','+this.location.y+','+
62 this.location.z+'onnode'+this.myNode);
63 
64 negotiate('CPU',10000000);
65 negotiate('SCHED',100000);
67 if(this.objPhy)iter(this.objPhy.springs,function(s,sp){
68 this.springs[sp]={stiffness:s.stiffness,alive:1,flag:false};
69 this.stiffness+=s.stiffness,n++;
70 });
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 393
71 this.stiffness/=n;
72 },
73 
74 percept:function(){
75 this.action='percept';
76 alt(
77 [['SPRING',_,_],
78 ['SENSOR',_,_],
79 ['VOTE',_,_],
80 ['SWAP',_,_],
81 ['STIFFNESS',_]
82 ],function(ta){
83 if(!ta)return;
84 iter(ta,function(t){
85 varp,vote;
86 switch(t[0]){
87 case'SENSOR':
88 //Sensordatafromneighbournodes
89 p=t[1];
90 
91 
92 if(this.sensors[p])this.sensors0[p]=this.sensors[p];
93 this.sensors[p]=copy(t[2]);
94 if(!this.sensors[p].stiffness)
95 this.sensors[p].stiffness=this.springs[p].stiffness;
96 if(this.sensors0[p]==undefined||
97 this.sensors0[p].strain!=this.sensors[p].strain)
98 this.action='process';
99 break;
100 case'SPRING':
101 //Singlespringsetting
102 p=t[1];
103 this.springs[p]=copy(t[2]);this.action='adapt';
104 break;
105 case'VOTE':
106 //Votefornodestiffness?
107 if(this.votes.length==0)timer.add(300,'ELECTION');
108 vote={to:t[1],vote:t[2]};
109 ;
110 ;
111 this.votes.push(vote);
112 break;
113 case'SWAP':
114 //Neighbournodevotes(?+)forstiffnessswapping
115 vote={to:t[1],vote:t[2]};
116 ;
117 ;
118 switch({
119 case'SWAP?':
120 this.votes.push(vote);this.action='swap';
121 break;
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
122 case'SWAP+':
123 ;
124 this.action='adapt';this.swapPending‐‐;
125 break;
126 case'SWAP':
127 this.swapPending‐‐;
128 break;
129 }
130 break;
131 case'STIFFNESS':
132 this.stiffness=t[1];
133 if(this.objPhy)iter(this.objPhy.springs,function(s,sp){
134 this.springs[sp]={stiffness:this.stiffness,
135 alive:1,flag:false};
136 });
137 break;
138 }
139 });
140 },true);
141 },
142 
143 
144 process:function(){
145 
146 this.action='percept';this.strainS=0;
147 
148 //Updatestrainvalue
149 ;
150 this.sensorsN=0;
151 for(pinthis.sensors){
152 v=this.parseVec(p);
153 _forceV=_forceV.vadd(Vec3(v[0],v[1],v[2])
154 .scale(this.sensors[p].strain*
155 this.sensors[p].stiffness));
156 s=this.sensors[p].strain;
157 _strain+=s;
158 this.strainS+=Math.abs(s);
159 *s*this.sensors[p].stiffness);
160 this.sensorsN++;
161 }
162 if(this.sensorsN>0);
163 if(length(this.sensors)>3){
165 this.strain=_strain;
166 this.force0=this.force;
167 this.force=_forceV.length();
168 this.forceV=this.ofVec(_forceV);
169 }
171 if(simu.parameter('mark'))
172 this.settings.mark=simu.parameter('mark');
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 395
173 if(simu.parameter('scale'))
174 this.settings.scale=simu.parameter('scale');
175 if(simu.parameter('adapt'))
176 this.settings.adapt=simu.parameter('adapt');
177 
178 if(!this.objPhy)
179 simu.changeVisual('node['+id+']',{
180 fill:{
181 color:'white',
182 opacity:0.5
183 }
184 });
185 else{
186 v=this[this.settings.mark]?this[this.settings.mark]*
187 this.settings.scale*21.0:0;
188 if(v>0)v=Math.min(v,1);elsev=Math.max(v,1);
189 simu.changeVisual('node['+id+']',{
190 fill:{
191 color:v<0?{color:'blue',value:v}:{color:'red',value:v},
192 opacity:0.5
193 }
194 });
195 };
196 
197 
198 this.action='notify';
199 
200 this.wait=100;
201 
202 if(this.strain==undefined||this.strain0==undefined||
203 Math.abs(this.strain0this.strain)>this.settings.eps)
204 this.action='notify',
205 this.strainDelta=(this.strain==undefined||
206 this.strain0==undefined)?
207 this.settings.eps*2:
208 Math.abs(this.strain0this.strain);
209 },
211 notify:function(){
212 varneighbour,neighbours;
213 this.action='percept';
214 
215 //1.DistributeSensors
216 if(this.strainDelta>this.settings.eps)
218 iter(this.sensors,function(s,sp){
219 var_s,vs=this.formatVec(neg(this.parseVec(sp)));
220 if(s.flag)return;
221 _s=copy(s);_s.flag=true;
222 if(this.springs[sp])_s.stiffness=this.springs[sp].stiffness;
223 store(DIR.DELTA(this.parseVec(sp)),['SENSOR',vs,_s]);
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
224 });
225 this.strainDelta=0;
226 }
227 
228 //2.Negotiatestiffnessswapvotes
229 if(this.settings.adapt!='no'&&
230 >this.settings.energyThres&&this.swapPending==0){
231 //Startswapnegotiation
232 //Selectaneighbourrandomly
233 neighbours=map(this.sensors,function(s,sp){returnsp});
234 neighbour=random(neighbours);
235 this.swapPending++;
236 if(this.child)
237 send(this.child,'VOTE',
238 
239 }
240 );
241 
242 }
243 },
244 
245 swap:function(){
246 varswapit=false;
247 this.action='percept';
248 this.votes=map(this.votes,function(vote){
249 if('SWAP?'){
250 if(swapit){
251 if(this.child)
252 send(this.child,'VOTE',
253 {type:'SWAP',,stiffness:this.stiffness,
254 });
255 return;
256 }
257 swapit=this.stiffness>
258 <;
259 if(this.settings.swapHighEnergy&&!swapit)
261 >;
262 if(this.child){
263 send(this.child,'VOTE',
264 {type:swapit?'SWAP+':'SWAP',,
265 stiffness:this.stiffness,});
266 if(swapit){
267 ;
268 this.action='adapt';
269 this.swapped++;
270 }
271 }
272 return;
273 }
274 returnvote;
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 397
275 });
276 },
277 
278 adapt:function(){
279 if(simu.parameter('lowPassK'))
280 this.settings.lowPassK=simu.parameter('lowPassK');
281 switch(this.settings.adapt){
282 case'local':
283 this.stiffness=this.stiffnessVote;
284 iter(this.objPhy.springs,function(s,sp){
285 if(!this.sensors[sp])return;
286 s.stiffness=this.filter(this.stiffness,s.stiffness,
287 this.settings.lowPassK);
288 this.springs[sp]={stiffness:s.stiffness,alive:1};
289 });
290 break;
291 case'global':
292 this.stiffness=this.stiffnessVote;
293 iter(this.objPhy.springs,function(s,sp){
294 s.stiffness=this.filter(this.stiffness,s.stiffness,
295 
296 this.springs[sp]={stiffness:s.stiffness,alive:1};
297 });
298 break;
299 }
300 },
301 
302 wait:function(){
303 sleep(this.wait);
304 }
305 };
306 
307 this.
308 init:percept,
309 percept:function(){returnthis.action},
310 swap:function(){returnthis.action},
311 notify:percept,
312 process:function(){returnthis.action},
313 adapt:function(){returnpercept},
314 elect:function(){returnpercept},
315 wait:function(){if(this.action!='percept')returnthis.action;
317 };
318 
319 this.
320 'DELIVER':function(_sensors){
321 varp;
322 for(pin_sensors){
323 this.sensors[p]=_sensors[p];
324 }
325 this.pending‐‐;
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
326 },
327 'ALIVE':function(child){
328 },
329 'DECLARE':function(vote){
330 },
331 'ELECTION':function(){
332 varmajor=0;
333 iter(this.votes,function(vote){
334 ;
335 });
336 major/=this.votes.length;
337 major=(major+this.stiffnessVote)/2;
338 this.votes=[];
339 this.stiffnessVote=major;
340 this.action='adapt';
341 }
342 }
343 this.
344 }
Ex. 11.3 The physical simulation model constructing a plate
1 /**Definesaphysicalsimulationscene
2 *usedintehCANNONmultibodyphysicssimulator.
3 *Mustreturnthephysicalobjectsthatcanbeaccessed
4 *bySEJAMagents.
5 *
6 */
7 /*
8 **X<‐‐‐‐+ZExternalcoordinates
9 **|
10 **v
11 **Y
13 **
14 **x<‐‐‐+zInternalcoordinates
15 **|
16 **v
17 **y
18 */
20 function(world,settings){
21 varCANNON=world.CANNON,
22 GUI=world.GUI,i,j,
23 mass=(settings&&settings.mass)?settings.mass:1,
24 ,
25 ,
26 ,
27 Height=20,
28 damping=5,
29 stiffness=settings.stiffness||20,
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 399
30 Mass=200,
31 MC=5,
32 //hole=[1,2,0];
33 hole=none;
35 functionmatrix(n,m,k){
36 varx,y,z,mat;
37 mat=newArray(n);
38 for(x=0;x<n;x++){
39 mat[x]=newArray(m);
40 for(y=0;y<m;y++)
41 mat[x][y]=newArray(k);
42 }
43 returnmat;
44 }
46 varconstraints=[];
47 varbodies=[];
48 varsprings=[];
49 varmasses=matrix(X,Y,Z);
50 var
51 
52 world.gravity.set(0,0,10);
53 ,130,70);
54 ,0,1);
55 ;
56 
57 vargroundMaterial=newCANNON.Material("groundMaterial");
59 //Ground
60 vargroundShape=newCANNON.Plane();
61 groundShape.color=0x00ff00;
62 varground=newCANNON.Body({mass:0,material:groundMaterial});
63 ground.addShape(groundShape);
64 ground.position.z=0;
65 world.addBody(ground);
66 GUI.addVisual(ground);
68 /*
69 
70 material:groundMaterial});
71 varfixedPlane=newCANNON.Plane();
72 fixedPlane.color=0x00ffff;
73 fixedBody.addShape(fixedPlane);
74 varrot=newCANNON.Vec3(1,0,0)
75 fixedBody.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(rot,Math.PI/2)
76 fixedBody.position.set(0,0,0);
77 */
78 functionmakeWalls(){
79 varh,h2;
80 varfixedBody=newCANNON.Body({mass:0,
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
81 material:groundMaterial});
82 h=Height/2+2.0;
83 varfixedShape=newCANNON.Box(newCANNON.Vec3(X*2.5,2,h));
84 fixedShape.color=0x00ffff;
85 fixedBody.addShape(fixedShape);
86 fixedBody.position.set((X1)*2.5,0,h+0.5);
87 world.addBody(fixedBody);
88 GUI.addVisual(fixedBody);
89 fixedBody=newCANNON.Body({mass:0,
90 material:groundMaterial});
91 fixedShape=newCANNON.Box(newCANNON.Vec3(X*2.5,2,h));
92 fixedShape.color=0x00ffff;
93 fixedBody.addShape(fixedShape);
94 fixedBody.position.set((X1)*2.5,(Y1)*5,h+0.5);
95 world.addBody(fixedBody);
96 GUI.addVisual(fixedBody);
97 h2=(Z1)*5+1;
98 fixedBody=newCANNON.Body({mass:0,
99 material:groundMaterial});
100 fixedShape=newCANNON.Box(newCANNON.Vec3(X*2.5,0.5,h2/2));
101 fixedShape.color=0x00ffff;
102 fixedBody.addShape(fixedShape);
103 fixedBody.position.set((X1)*2.5,1,2*h+h2/2+0.5);
104 world.addBody(fixedBody);
105 GUI.addVisual(fixedBody);
106 fixedBody=newCANNON.Body({mass:0,
107 material:groundMaterial});
108 fixedShape=newCANNON.Box(newCANNON.Vec3(X*2.5,0.5,h2/2));
109 fixedShape.color=0x00ffff;
110 fixedBody.addShape(fixedShape);
111 fixedBody.position.set((X1)*2.5,(Y1)*5+1,2*h+h2/2+0.5);
112 world.addBody(fixedBody);
113 GUI.addVisual(fixedBody);
114 }
116 functionmakeLoad(x,y,r,m){
117 varh=2;
118 if(!r)r=10;
119 varbShape=newCANNON.Cylinder(r,r,h,16);
120 bShape.color='red';
121 varb=newCANNON.Body({mass:m||Mass});
122 b.addShape(bShape);
123 b.position.set(x,y,Height+4.0+h/2+(Z1)*5+1.0+0.5);
124 bodies.push(b);
125 loadings.push(b);
126 }
127 
128 functionmakeBox(x,y,z){
129 varbShape
130 varb=newCANNON.Body({mass:mass});
131 b.addShape(bShape);
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.7 Multi-Domain Simulation with SEJAM2P 401
132 b.position.set(x,y,z+Height);
133 bodies.push(b);
134 returnb;
135 }
137 functionconnect(bodyA,bodyB,settings){
138 varsAB,localPivotA,localPivotB,constraint,
139 dir=newCANNON.Vec3();
140 sAB=newCANNON.Spring(bodyA,bodyB,{
141 stiffness:stiffness+(MC2*MC*Math.random()),
142 damping:damping,
143 computeRestLength:true
144 });
145 //world.log(sAB.restLength);
146 springs.push(sAB/*,sBA*/);
147 world.addSpring(sAB);
148 if(!bodyA.springs)bodyA.springs={};
149 if(!bodyB.springs)bodyB.springs={};
150 bodyB.gridPosition.vsub(bodyA.gridPosition,dir);
151 bodyA.springs[dir.x+','+dir.y+','+dir.z]=sAB;
152 dir=dir.negate();
153 return
154 }
156 
157 functionmakePlate(l,n,m,d){
158 vardx=5,dy=5,dz=5,b,i,j,k,u,
159 x=0,y=0,z=dz*m,offInd=0,bA,bB;
160 functionget(i,j,k,d){
161 if(d)i+=d[0],j+=d[1],k+=d[2];
162 if(masses[i]&&masses[i][j]&&masses[i][j][k])
163 returnmasses[i][j][k];
164 elsereturnnone;
165 }
166 for(k=0;k<l;k++){
167 z=dz*m;
168 for(j=0;j<m;j++){
169 y=0;
170 for(i=0;i<n;i++){
171 if(!equal([k,i,j],hole)){
172 b=makeBox(x,y,z);
174 b.gridPosition=newCANNON.Vec3(k,i,j);
175 }
176 y=y+dy;
177 }
178 z=zdz;
179 }
180 x=x+dx;
181 }
182 for(k=0;k<m;k++){
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
183 for(j=0;j<n;j++){
184 for(i=0;i<l;i++){
185 varvec=[
186 [0,1,0],
187 [1,1,0],
188 [1,0,0],
189 [1,1,0],
190 [0,0,1],
191 [0,1,1],
192 [1,1,1],
193 [1,1,1],
194 [0,1,1],
195 [1,1,1],
196 [1,0,1],
197 [1,1,1]
198 ];
199 for(uinvec){
200 bA=get(i,j,k);
201 bB=get(i,j,k,vec[u]);
202 if(bA&&bB)connect(bA,bB);
203 }
204 
205 }
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 makePlate(X,Y,Z);
210 makeWalls();
211 //makeLoad(10,15,2,5);
212 
213 for(i=0;i<constraints.length;i++)
214 world.addConstraint(constraints[i]);
216 for(i=0;i<bodies.length;i++){
217 world.addBody(bodies[i]);
218 GUI.addVisual(bodies[i]);
219 }
221 world.addEventListener("postStep",function(event){
222 for(variinsprings){
223 springs[i].applyForce();
224 }
225 });
228 return{
229 masses:masses,
230 loadings:loadings,
231 map:function(id){
233 try{returnmasses[id[0]][id[1]][id[2]]}catch(e){};
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
11.8 Further Reading 403
234 }
235 }
236 
237 }
11.8 Further Reading
1. P.-O. Siebers and U. Aickelin, Introduction to Multi-Agent Simulation,
Encyclopaedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies,
2. U. Wilensky and W. Rand, An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling -
Modeling Natural, Social, and Engineered Complex Systems with NetLogo.
MIT Press, 2015, ISBN 9780262731898
3. A. M. Uhrmacher and D. Weyns, Eds., Multi-agent systems: simulation
and applications, CRC Press, 2009, ISBN 9781420070231
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)
Chapter 11. Simulation
S. Bosse, Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems
epubli, ISBN 9783746752228 (2018)