Material-integrated cluster computing in self-adaptive robotic
materials using mobile multi-agent systems
Stefan Bosse
Dirk Lehmhus
Received: 16 July 2018 / Revised: 23 November 2018 / Accepted: 19 December 2018
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019
Recent trends like internet-of-things (IoT) and internet-of-everything (IoE) require new distributed computing and com-
munication approaches as size of interconnected devices moves from a cm
- to the sub-mm
-scale. Technological advance
behind size reduction will facilitate integration of networked computing on material rather than structural level, requiring
algorithmic and architectural scaling towards distributed computing. Associated challenges are linked to use of low
reliability, large scale computer networks operating on low to very low resources in robotic materials capable of per-
forming cluster computing on micro-scale. Networks of this type need superior robustness to cope with harsh conditions of
operation. These can be provided by self-organization and—adaptivity. On macro scale, robotic materials afford unified
distributed data processing models to allow their connection to smart environments like IoT/IoE. The present study
addresses these challenges by applying mobile Multi-agent systems (MAS) and an advanced JavaScript agent processing
platform (JAM), realizing self-adaptivity as feature of both data processing and the mechanical system itself. The MAS’
task is to solve a distributed optimization problem using a mechanically adaptive robotic material in which stiffness is
increased via minimization of elastic energy. A practical realization of this example necessitates environmental interaction
and perception, demonstrated here via a reference architecture employing a decentralized approach to control local
property change in service based on identification of the loading situation. In robotic materials, such capabilities can
support actuation and/or lightweight design, and thus sustainability.
Keywords Pervasive computing Ubiquitous computing Agents Optimization Material informatics Self-organizing
systems Self-adaptive systems
1 Introduction
Cluster computing is commonly related to large-scale
networks composed of powerful computers and servers
connected by reliable high-bandwidth interconnections
and the Internet. There is an ongoing trend to create big
machines providing high storage, memory, and CPU
capacities towards Cloud computing and data centers.
This is the macro- scale level of computing. But there is
also an emerging micro-scale level of computing, using
low-resource and miniaturized computers towards the
scale deployed in material-integrated computer
networks and the internet-of-things [1]. The term material
is related to the micro-size-scale level (element size about
), and structures to the meso-size-scale level (ele-
ment size about cm
In the last decades there was a shift from passive single
sensors and centralized sensor data processing towards
large networks [2] of smart sensors equipped with Infor-
mation-Communication-Technologies (ICT) forming sen-
sorial materials as one class of material-integrated
intelligent systems (MIIS) [3]. Furthermore, there was a
significant increase of the sensor density in sensor networks
integrating sensors and ICT in materials [3], used, e.g., for
structural health monitoring (SHM) [4] or in smart textiles.
& Stefan Bosse
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Koblenz-Landau,
56070 Koblenz, Germany
Fraunhofer IFAM, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Cluster Computing
Finally, micro system technologies enable the integration
of actuation in materials creating robotic materials [5], e.g.,
using thermoplastic actuators [6] to modify structures.
Robotic materials are characterized by a tight coupling
of sensing, actuation, computation, and communication.
Data processing in robotic materials can be considered as
cluster computing on micro-scale level. Sensorial and
robotic materials are operating under harsh environmental
conditions requiring resilient behaviour, captured by the
entire design of the ICT architecture and distributed
Load-bearing structures are typically designed towards
relevant load cases known at design-time. New technolo-
gies enabling the design of structures that change material
properties in service in response to load change (i.e., using
robotic materials) could raise additional weight saving
potentials, extending the lifetime, and increasing opera-
tional safety. Thus, self-adaptive robotic materials support
lightweight design and sustainability inspired by bionic
design, e.g., by a top-down approach based on the struc-
ture, load, and function with similarity classification [7].
But still bionic design has to consider specific load cases
and perform classification in advance, e.g., performed by
the ELiSE design framework [8]. Examples of cross-sec-
torial and material-independent structural lightweight
constructions propose weight savings about 20–50% [9].
Our approach aims to overcome this limitation.
Structures composed of simple and unreliable actuators
are difficult to control due to non-linearity and a lack of
physical models. One concern regarding active smart cel-
lular structures is the correlated and self-organizing control
of cells’ responses, and the underlying informational
organization providing robustness.
Robustness and real-time capabilities require some kind
of self-organizing and self-adapting computational model
instead of the functional models commonly used (e.g., in
control theory).
The adaptation of mechanical actuated structures to
varying load situations based on external perception or
proprioception that is considered in this work can be
treated as an optimization problem that will be controlled
in this work by multi-agent systems.
The next Sect. 2 outlines the general problem descrip-
tion of distributed computing in material-integrated ICT
systems and the novelty of this work. Section 3 discusses
data processing integrated in materials and structures from
a technical point of view. Robotic materials and the ref-
erence architecture used in this work is described in
Sect. 4. The optimization problem addressed in this work is
introduced in Sect. 5, and the MAS implementation is
described in Sect. 6. Sections 7,8, and 9 address the agent
and simulation platform. Finally, Sects. 10 and 11 show
and evaluate a use-case study.
2 Problem description and contribution
An overview of the concepts addressed in this work is
shown in Fig. 1. Assuming large-scale sensor- and actuator
networks (i.e., sensorial and robotic materials) that are
integrated in materials (or microscopic structures), dis-
tributed computing problems are solved by self-* multi-
agent systems, finally performing distributed optimization
(adaptation of mechanical properties of a robotic material).
The four upper layers (green boxes) are addressed in this
The lower four layers are the platform and deployment
fields of the proposed distributed computing approach
using mobile agents, not addressed in this work.
Optimization problems are commonly solved mathe-
matically and numerically [10, 11] or treated as global
problems [6, 12] that can only be solved by processing the
entire sensor data set in each solver iteration. But the
transition to distributed approaches with local processing is
necessary to reach scaling of large systems in the future
consisting of Thousands and Millions of small perceptive
and computational nodes (embedded computers). These
tiny computational units are characterized by their low
computational power and data storage capacity.
This work addresses distributed information processing
integrated in materials and structures posing self-adaptivity
Fig. 1 Overview of the concepts fusioned in this work (lower three
levels are the deployment fields)
Cluster Computing
of the material using a MAS approach with algorithms
based on multi-phase topology optimization (MPTO) [13]
and simulated annealing, which can be considered as a
bionic structural optimization approach.
On the macro-scale level, agents and distributed agent-
based systems are already deployed successfully in
heterogeneous large environments, e.g., production and
manufacturing processes [14, 15], facing adaptive manu-
facturing, maintenance, evolvable assembly systems,
quality control, and energy management aspects, and in
sensing applications, e.g., monitoring of mechanical
structures and devices [16]. Finally, the paradigm of
industrial agents meeting the requirements of modern
industrial applications by integrating sensor networks was
introduced in [17]. In the present study, we show that
agents can be deployed successfully on the micro-scale
level, too.
The central approach in this work focuses on mobile
agents solving an optimization problem by a divide-and-
conquer approach. They pose the ability to support mobile
reconfigurable code embedding the agent behaviour, the
agent data, the agent configuration, and the current agent
control state, finally encapsulated in a portable textual
In this work JavaScript code (AgentJS) is used and
executed by the JAM platform [18]. The code is capable of
migration between nodes in the network required for
autonomous distributed data processing. This approach
requires only a minimal agent processing platform service
(APPS). The AgentJS code can be directly executed by the
underlying JS VM (e.g., nodejs, jxcore, JVM, webview for
mobile App. development, or spidermonkey used in
On the one hand, robotic materials provide internal and
external perception that can be used in a wide range of
sensing applications on the Internet (e.g., product life-cycle
management). Robotic Materials will be part of larger
networks, i.e., the IoT. On the other hand, robotic materials
can profit from environmental information, e.g., collected
by mobile devices and crowd sensing. Therefore, these
material-integrated computational networks should be
connected to a local Intranet or to the global Internet (see
Fig. 2, left side).
One of the major challenges in distributed sensing and
control systems is the derivation of meaningful information
from sensor data. Often the sensors of mobile consumer
devices (such as accelerometer, humidity, light, battery,
temperature, and location) suffer from a poor quality.
Distributed sensor fusion can be applied to improve the
statistical significance of such sensor signals by collecting
sensor data in a region of interest from multiple devices.
Fusion can profit from machine learning (ML), which
usually bases on classification algorithms derived from
supervised machine learning or pattern recognition using,
e.g., self-organizing [2] and distributed multi-agent sys-
tems with less or no a-priori knowledge of the
The IoT, material-integrated ICT networks, mobile, and
Cloud environments differ significantly in terms of
resources (computational power and data storage). The IoT
and mobile networks consist of a large number of low-
resource devices interacting with the real world and having
strictly limited storage capacities, energy, and computing
power, and the Cloud consists of large-scale computers
with arbitrary and extensible computing power and storage
capacities in a basically virtual world.
A unified and common data processing and communi-
cation methodology is required to merge the IoT with
Cloud environments seamlessly, which can be fulfilled by
mobile agent-based computing proposed in this work.
The scalability of complex ubiquitous applications using
such large-scale cloud-based and wide area distributed
networks deals with systems deploying thousands up to a
million agents.
Considering such strong heterogeneous environments
with computers ranging from 1 MIPS computational power
and 1 MB RAM to 1 GIPS and 1GB RAM a hybrid dual-
platform approach have to be used for agent processing
(Fig. 2, right side).
Addressing the Internet, mobile networks and the IoT,
JAM platform [18] is used offering agents directly
implemented in JavaScript (AgentJS) program code hold-
ing the entire control and data state of an agent
Agent processing on very-low resource platforms is
performed with a stack-based processor approach (exe-
cuting AgentFORTH code) featuring hardware implemen-
tation and advanced token-based agent process scheduling
using the AFVM platform [19].
Both program code models base on the same behaviour
and agent behaviour model (ATG/AAPL) and can be
transformed to each other. The agents themselves conform
to the mobile processes model introduced by Milner [20]
ensuring seamless agent mobility. The code can be modi-
fied by the agent itself using code morphing techniques
required for behaviour adaptation (directly supported by
JavaScript Just-in-time and Bytecode Compiler VM
This work adds to earlier work [21] the following
extensions and novelties:
Distributed and decentralized solving of mechanical
optimization problems using different algorithms;
Self-* multi-agent system performing distributed opti-
mization in a robotic material providing self-adaptation
based on varying load situations and mechanical
Cluster Computing
Reference architecture of a robotic material composed
of a mesh-grid network of agent processing platforms;
Different enhanced distributed mechanical optimization
algorithms and their evaluation applied to robotic
materials that are used to meet mechanical constraints
under varying load and damage situations (e.g. holes);
Multi-domain simulation with tight coupling of phys-
ical and computational agent models.
The next sections offer an introduction to material-inte-
grated intelligent systems and the robotic material refer-
ence architecture, followed by an introduction of the
proposed distributed optimization algorithms and their
implementation with MAS. Finally, an evaluation of the
distributed MAS optimization is performed by a multi-
domain simulation (coupling physical and computational
models) of a JAM network embedded in a robotic material.
3 Material-integrated intelligent systems
Material-integrated intelligent systems feature materials
with embedded data processing, communication, sensors,
actuators, and energy supply. These materials can be
classified in:
Fig. 2 Unified distributed
information processing in
heterogeneous MIIS/IoT/Cloud
environments with mobile
agents using a hybrid platform
framework consisting of the
JavaScript agent machine
platform (JAM) and the low-
resource AgentFORTH machine
Cluster Computing
1. Sensorial materials providing intrinsic or environmen-
tal perception capabilities by coupling sensing, com-
putation, and communication.
2. Robotic materials providing intelligent perception and
mechanical adaptation capabilities by coupling sens-
ing, actuation, computation, and communication.
3. Self-adaptive robotic materials providing a closed
control loop using perception to adapt the material/
structure to changing load situations or defects.
All three classes use large-scale autonomous distributed
networks with embedded systems characterized by low
power consumption, low data storage resources, and low
processing power. Commonly, the network nodes are self-
powered by using local energy storage and harvesting.
The main fields of application of Sensorial Materials are
Load and Structural Health Monitoring, the field of appli-
cation of robotic materials are mechanical adaptive
Intelligence is provided on software level featuring self-*
capabilities. Adaptivity, reconfiguration, and healing in the
presence of technical failures (data processing, networking,
communication, low energy, sensor faults) are elementary
features of resilient systems in safety-critical environments.
Load-bearing structures are typically designed towards
relevant load cases assuming static shape and fixed sets of
materials properties decided upon during design and
materials selection. New technologies enabling the design
of structures that could change local properties in service in
response to load change could raise additional weight
saving potentials, thus supporting lightweight design and
sustainability. Materials with such capabilities must nec-
essarily be composite in the sense of a heterogeneous
build-up, exhibiting, e.g., an architecture consisting of
networks with numerous active cells providing sensing,
signal and data processing, communication, and actuation/
stimulation capability [4] forming robotic materials and
structures [22]. One example for such a material is a spe-
cial class of polymers being capable to change their elas-
ticity based on the influence of optical, thermal, or
electrical fields [5].
Although no specific technology assumptions were
made in this work, there are already micro-scale computers
suitable for such material-integrated computing. An
example is the Micro MOTE M3 [23] providing about
1MIPS computing power and 4 kB data memory with
0.1 mm
chip area consuming less 100 lW power. The
FreeScale KL03 provides 50 MIPS/2 kB with 4 mm
area and 3 mW power consumption. Both microcontrollers
base on ARM architecture.
4 Robotic material and reference
The reference architecture in this work consists of a three-
dimensional grid network of controller nodes with physical
and communication connectivity between nodes, shown in
Fig. 3. The physical links are actuators that can change
mechanical properties of the material (e.g., stiffness). No
technology-specific assumptions were made regarding
communication links and actuators.
In our understanding, a self-adaptive robotic material
provides the following major features:
1. Perception using various kinds of sensors, e.g., measuring
of strain, displacement, temperature, pressure, forces;
2. Capability of changing local material and structure
properties by actuators, e.g., stiffness or damping
3. Integrated networks of information processing and
communication technologies (ICT);
4. Distributed approach: Local sensor processing, aggre-
gation, and actuator control; Global cooperation and
coordination solving optimization.
The general model of such a robotic material is shown in
Fig. 3. It is assumed that the material (on micro-scale level) or
structure (on meso-scale level) consists of volume elements
(bounded regions of the material) that are connected with
neighbourhood elements via links. The links should provide
some kind of sensing (e.g., measuring the strain or displace-
ment along the link main axis) and some kind of material or
structure control providing a controllable actuator (e.g.,
modifying the stiffness of the link). A link can be a discrete
part or a continuous region of the material. A set of actuators is
connected to each node. Two nodes share an actuator (e.g., a
damped spring of variable stiffness and damping).
Each element contains an embedded computer that is
considered as a node in a mesh-grid communication network.
Each node provides some kind of data processing (processor
or digital logic RTL), data and program memory, commu-
nication, energy supply and energy management. Since the
distributed sensing and control of the material should be
performed by an agent-based approach each node has to
provide an agent processing platform (APP).
The APP is executed typically on a virtual machine,
discussed in Sect. 7. Agents have to be able to access
sensors and actuators by a hardware abstraction layer
(HAL), optimally provided by the APP.
It is assumed that the nodes are organized in an ad-hoc
way. Technical failures of single nodes is considered as the
common and may not affect the operation of the robotic
Cluster Computing
material and its capability to satisfy some global objective
function. This implies a self-organizing and self-adaptive
approach with respect to the connectivity structure has to
be used to create some kind of holonic system and is the
first level of intelligence in a smart system.
Each node controls a number of actuated springs and
dampers connected to neighbouring nodes as shown in
Fig. 3d. Each spring has a virtual strain (displacement)
sensor attached, e.g., a strain gauge sensor. Together with
the current stiffness parameter value, the spring energy can
be computed. It is assumed that the stiffness of each spring
can be varied between a lower and an upper boundary
]. A technically reasonable range is ± 50% around a
nominal stiffness value. The missing sensor values (spring
displacement and current stiffness) must be retrieved from
neighbour nodes.
The models of the actuator (relation of relative dis-
placement l l
and force f
between two nodes) and the
sensor (strain gauge signal S
) are given in Eqs. 1 and 2,
ðl; s; dÞ¼k
sðl l
Þdu ð1Þ
GF; with GF ¼ DR=ðeR
with s: stiffness parameter, k: a spring constant, d: damping
parameter, u: relative velocity between nodes i and j, R:
electrical resistance, GF: gauge factor, :strain.
The adaptivity of the robotic material requires percep-
tion based on sensors, interpretation of current and past
load situation (locally or globally or both) and the control
of the actuators. Besides the energy required to perform
computation and communication, the most prominent part
of the energy consumption during operation is caused by
the actuators. The change (increase or decrease) of the
stiffness of the springs commonly requires or releases
energy (e.g., thermoplastic materials require controlled
heating), or requiring energy in both directions, depending
on the actuator technology (e.g., optically excited bi-
stable materials)!
The entire computation and the entire agent processing
implementing the structure optimization discusse d in the
next Section is performed by the material-integrated ICT
network. There is no off-loading of parts of the computa-
tion to external computers.
5 Distributed self-optimization
The concept of self-adaptive robotic materials draws much
of its appeal from the fact that engineering design has to
decide which are the load cases or service conditions to
base design on, while reality typically knows no such
limitations: conventional techniques like shape, topology
(b) (c)
Fig. 3 a General network architecture of a robotic material =
sensorial ? actuated material b hardware ? software architecture
c functional decomposition: sensing, acting, processing $ data ?
instruction streams d node connectivity (physical) of controlled
actuators attached to neighbour nodes (shown are the delta vectors
relative to a node position)
Cluster Computing
or multi-material optimization all need to single out few or
even one set of boundary conditions to adapt to. Any real
world load-bearing structure may see different scenarios
including misuse, which might be impossible to capture
and define in the design stage. Such unforeseen loads may
in the worst case lead to immediate failure—in other cases,
they might just wear out a structure, causing it to fail
prematurely and/or in places determined by unexpected
local load histories. A smart adaptive material or structure
that is capable of adjusting its mechanical characteristics—
like stiffness—to external loads could actively manage this
local load history. It could protect areas already worn out
and distribute loads to others instead.
There are three different optimization algorithms that
are applied to materials of this kind and evaluated in this
1. Global optimization;
2. Segmented optimization;
3. Neighbourhood optimization (originally proposed in
summarized in Table 1. They are originally based on the
concept of multi-phase topology optimization (MPTO) and
simulated annealing used to optimize structures at design
time by reorganizing material parameter distributions [13].
The algorithms are reactive and iterative, in contrast to
classical mathematical minimization being commonly
functional, applying small changes step-wise to satisfy the
global goal and to minimize an error function. The global
algorithm is presented here for reference only as it requires
a central instance, although the action is performed locally
but based on a global observable. The neighbourhood
algorithm operates continuously without a defined termi-
nation, while the two other algorithms can terminate if they
satisfy a bounded error condition.
The segment and neighbourhood algorithms are suit-
able for distributed processing performing region explo-
ration and negotiation, characterized by self-* features
(self-adaptivity and robustness in case of sensor or node
failures and changes in the network connectivity). That
means, there are multiple instances operating on spatially
bounded data (local data) satisfying global objectives, e.g.,
minimizing the mechanical strain energy of a structure.
One major issue in distributed systems without a central
instance is the efficient collection and computation of
observation variables (observables) like the accumulated
strain energy of a region of nodes. This is discussed in the
next section. The optimization of the structure is performed
by modifying a target variable (control parameter), e.g., the
stiffness of the actuators, based on a comparison of a local
observable (e.g., the local node strain energy) with a global
or glocal (region) observable, e.g., the strain energy of
nodes in a region around the particular node or just a global
accumulated value.
The total strain energy U of a mechanical structure is the
integral of the strain tensor over the volume V of the
Table 1 Different optimization algorithms (simplified) for material/
structure adaptation are shown, with N: Set of nodes, S: Set of
segments S, U: total strain energy; : Strain; r: stress; x
: observation
variable of i-th node (element), x: some observation variable; X:
some accumulated observation variable; r
: optimization ratio param-
eter for i-th node, |X|: cardinality of a set X, R: some radius, D: some
discretization function; s
: stiffness of i-th node/element, [s
, s
limits of stiffness, [r
, r
]: limits of optimization parameter, k
: some
problem specific mapping and scaling function with weight factor w;
j=1: neighbourhood relationship of elements or segments
Cluster Computing
structure. The discretized strain energy for each node u
computed from all attached springs j={1,...,n} with their
displacement d
and current stiffness s
. The total dis-
cretized strain energy of a structure is the sum over all node
strain energies given by Eq. 3.
U ¼
U ¼
There is a set of observation variables: Strain , Stress r,
and the strain energy U finally computed, which is an
objective variable, too. The optimization variable is the
stiffness of elements , which is used to minimize the strain
energy, stress, or strain. Thus, the optimization (objective)
function is: min U(,r) with (e) and r (e) being a function
of the e-module (stiffness).
The basic principle of optimization uses a ratio param-
eter r based on the relation of observation variables (either
, r,orU) to a spatially extended ensemble value of this
variable (mean). The ratio parameter is applied to the target
variables, i.e., the stiffness of elements of the material/
structure. In Table 1 there are two different example
functions k
and k
shown that compute the actual ratio
parameter using the strain energy U(=x).
There is a set of all nodes: N, a set of all segments
grouping nodes (uniquely or overlapping): S, and segments
with a sub-set of nodes: S N. Each segment is centered
around a node of the network, i.e., neighbour segments
overlap that corresponds to a moving window. The seg-
mented algorithm performs modification of elements par-
titioned in segments based on locally bounded data. The
neighbourhood algorithm performs element modification
between two neighbouring nodes only (point-to-point).
6 Self-* MAS
Self-* capabilities are addressed in this work by (1) Dis-
tributed data processing and (2) Mechanical optimization.
The MAS in combination with used distributed algorithms
pose self-capabilities on different levels (compare [24]):
1. Self-configuration
2. Self-organization
3. Self-adaptivity
4. Self-healing
There is no a-priori knowledge of the network and cluster
structure or any world model. The global system behaviour
is a result of self-configuration and self-organization of the
agents on a local domain scope and by neighbourhood
relations. Self-adaptivity is provided by means of (1) Data
processing in the presence of technical failures of nodes or
communication and changing network connectivity, and
(2) Algorithmic adaptation of mechanical properties of the
structure based on perception and negotiation as part of the
optimization problem. Self-healing is provided by the MAS
(1) By locating and isolating faults (technical failures) [25],
and (2) By compensating defects or holes in the mechanical
structure by adapting mechanical properties.
Node controller agents have to control a set of springs
pointing to neighbouring nodes and sensors, shown in
Fig. 3d. Each spring has a virtual sensor attached deliver-
ing the strain (displacement between two nodes). Together
with the current stiffness parameter value of a spring, the
spring energy can be computed. It is assumed that the
stiffness of each spring can be varied between a lower and
an upper boundary [s
]. A technical reasonable range is
± 50% around a nominal stiffness value. The missing
sensor values (spring displacement and current stiffness)
from other neighbour nodes are delivered by remote tuple
operations (see Fig. 4b).
The MAS has the goal to minimize a global or local
mechanical variable, e.g., the total strain energy U and the
strain by using an observation variable. The control is
performed by modifying a control variable, e.g., the spring
stiffness. The three different algorithms introduced in
(a) (b)
Fig. 4 MAS interaction: a Observable propagation using remote
signals b sensor distribution using remote tuples c negotiation in
neighbourhood algorithm using remote tuples
Cluster Computing
Sect. 5 require different MAS behavioural models. The
neighbourhood algorithm bases on negotiation and uses a
simple stiffness swap algorithm, discussed below. The
segment algorithm bases on a region mean of the observ-
able. i.e., the mean strain energy in the region. The mean
value is used to modify the control variable based on a
simple decision tree.
The MAS is composed of different agent classes. All
approaches (Table 1) uses node agents but apply different
behavioural models that can be united in one agent
enabling the selective change of the optimization approach
and objectives. The negotiation approach uses an additional
broker agent for negotiation, having a distinct behaviour
described below and illustrated in Fig. 4. Additional
explorer and notification agents can be used for segmented
or regional action (e.g., to compute a global observable by
random walk and directed diffusion).
6.1 Neighbour negotiation
Node agent
The negotiation approach considers only observables of
two neighbour nodes. The node agent is a stationary agent.
Its behaviour consists of the following main activities.
init The initialization activity mainly creates a
broker agent, starts the adaptation handler
timer, and set up the sensor acquisition and
spring control.
perceive Getting notifications via the tuple-space data
base. Listening for tuples:{SENSOR,
either sent by the world agent or by
surrounding neighbour node agents. The
ADAPT tuple is sent by the broker agent if there
is a change in the spring stiffness that was
negotiated (either an increase or decrease). All
controlled springs of a node are always set to
the same stiffness.
process New sensor data is processed, and the current
strain of each spring and the total node strain
energy is computed. Relevant sensor
distribution and negotiation events are started.
In the case of an energy event (i.e., the current
strain energy is above a threshold), an alarm
tuple ALARM(energy, stiffness, ..)
is created that is consumed by a waiting and
listening broker agent.
notify The notification activity distributes sensor and
spring data to neighbour nodes by sending
remote SENSOR tuples. The attached broker
agents is notified by ENERGY and ALARM
tuples. Based on sensor data of all known
springs attached to this node a NEIGHBOURS
tuple is sent to the broker to inform about
adapt This handler changes the stiffness parameters
of all controlled springs. To avoid high stiffness
changes, a low-pass filter is applied. This
activity is executed periodically by a timer.
Again, all springs are set always to the same
Broker agent
The negotiation and broker agent is a mobile agent and
is responsible for the neighbourhood self-adaptation of the
material based on the current load situation in the neigh-
bourhood and self-regulation. It interacts with the node
agents and other broker agents via tuple exchange.
Its behaviour consists of the following main activities:
perceive Getting notifications via the tuple-space data
base. Listening for
The ENERGY tuple informs about the current
strain energy and stiffness setting of the node,
whereas the ALARM tuple triggers a voting
cycle (transition to vote activity). A VOTE
tuple containing a SWAP? request initiates an
vote A voting cycle is initiated by sending a
VOTE(SWAP?) request tuple to a randomly
chosen neighbourhood node. During the
voting or election cycle further ALARM and
SWAP? requests from other nodes are blocked
notify If this broker started a voting cycle and got a
SWAP? response, it notifies the node agent
about the successful stiffness swap negotiation
by sending an ADAP T tuple to commit the
election result.
Cluster Computing
election This is the election handler managing a swap election
initiated by the first SWAP? vote
after a time-out. The election determines the
majority vote among all collected votes. If the
major vote with the highest energy can be
granted, the voter gets a SWAP? declaration,
otherwise it is declined with a SWAP-
declaration, and also all voters losing the
competition get a SWAP- declaration. The decision
for the stiffness swapping bases on the local strain
energy and stiffness, compared with the major
requesting node ’s energy and stiffness, i.e.,\major.ener gy and this.
stiffness-major.request[this.stiffnes s.low.
6.2 Segment and global control
Node agent
The non-negotiated distributed control requires only one
node agent per node. The original numerical segment
approach (Table 1) partitioned the network in rectangular
segments. This requires a central instance. To avoid such
external instance, each node creates a segment region
around its position posing a set of overlaid moving window
segments. Each segment implements a virtual sensor of the
observable [26, 27]. In contrast to the negotiation approach
an extended region observable is collected in the seg-
mented approach, i.e., the accumulated strain energy of
nodes in the neighbourhood within a distance n (e.g., 2).
The actuator modification (i.e., stiffness of springs) bases
on the ratio of this accumulated observable and the local
observable value. Node agents communicate with each
other directly via remote tuples or signals. The modifica-
tion of the target variable (spring stiffness s) can be step-
wise and discretized, i.e., applying a small fixed delta
change based on the observable ratio (u/U) resulting finally
in a minimum/maximum stiffness distribution, or linear
using the observable ratio directly for the computation of a
new correction value for the target variable:
if u > U+ΔU then s=s+Δs
else if u < U-ΔU then s=s-Δs
init The initialization activity explores the neighbour-
hood connectivity and starts the adaptation handler
timer, and set up the sensor acquisition and spring
perceive Getting notifications via the tuple-space data
base. Listening for tuples: {SENSOR,OBSERVABLE}.
The SENSOR tuple is either send by the world agent or
by surrounding neighbour node agents. The OBSERVA-
BLE tuple is sent by neighbouring nodes (alternatively
using remote signals, see below)
process New sensor data is processed, and the current
strain of each spring and the total node strain energy is
notify The notification activity distributes sensor and
computed observable data to neighbour nodes by sending
remote SENSOR and OBSERVABLE tuples or signals. To
prevent high notification rates, the notify activity is
inhibited for some time if there was recently a notifica-
tion event.
adapt All actuators (springs) of a node are updated
(setting new stiffness values based on computation and
Signals and Handlers Depending on the data distribu-
tion approach, signal handlers are used to receive
neighbour and to trigger actuator updates (signals
SENSOR,OBSERVABLE). Instead, using an actuator
update activity (adapt) that has to be activated on an
event, a signal handler can be used that is activated by a
periodical timer.
6.3 Agent behaviour: explorer and notify agent
The explorer and notify agents explore a larger radius of
neighbourhood (not limited to direct node neighbours) to
collect and distribute sensor data and physical state infor-
mation (e.g., a mean strain energy of a segment region or
the global observable mean). Commonly a central instance
is required for global action. Random walk and directed
diffusion behaviour can be used to approximately compute
and distribute a global observable without a central
instance. The evaluation of the proposed distributed pro-
cessing from Sect. 9. shows that there is no strict require-
ment for any global observable. An observable mean in a
large region is sufficient.
6.4 Distributed computation of observables
using chains
Another approach without a central instance is neigh-
bourhood exploration and chaining. Each node propagates
its current local observable value (e.g., the node strain
energy u
) to all its direct neighbour nodes via remote
signals if the observable has changed. After the first
delivery phase, each node has neighbourhood information
of distance 1. Each next delivery can deliver distance 2
values by mean computation u
of orthogonal node
observables with respect to the current delivery direction
and the over next node observable in the opposite direction
Cluster Computing
), shown in Fig. 4a. Finally, each node can compute a
region value of the observable. The propagation of
observable values to neighbour nodes is given by the fol-
lowing algorithm:
dir=WEST|EAST?: u1=ne[NORTH].u0+ne[SOUTH].u0
dir=NORTH|SOUTH?: u1=ne[WEST].u0+ne[EAST].u0
dir=WEST|EAST?: u2=ne[EAST|WEST].u0
dir=UP|DOWN?: u2=ne[DOWN|UP].u0
sendto(dir, { u0:u0,u1:u1,u2:u2 })
7 Agent platforms
The selection of an appropriate agent programming model
(APM) and agent processing platform (APP) is eminent for
the foreseen use case of material-integrated ICT networks
that are connected to the Internet and Cloud environments.
The deployment of a single APP (the agent VM, com-
monly, e.g., the JAVA-based JADE platform) in such
strongly heterogeneous environments with different con-
straints and organizational structures is not possible.
Therefore, a set of APPs have to be deployed. But all APPs
should address the same APM to enable cross-over
There are only few agent programming models that
cover very low-resource processing platforms. The AAPL
programming model(a meta model, detailed description in
[18, 19]) relies on the Activity-Transition Graph behaviour
model given by an agent class template containing activity
and transition sections. AAPL is an abstract programming
meta model that can be implemented with different pro-
gramming languages. The agent is composed of activities
(graph nodes) with conditional or unconditional transitions
based on agent data (perception and state). AAPL offers
statements for parametrized agent instantiation, like the
creation of new agents and the forking of child agents
inheriting the parent state. Unified agent interaction is
provided by using synchronized Linda-like tuple database
spaces and signal propagation (messages carrying simple
data delivered to signal handlers). Agent mobility (migra-
tion) is provided by transferring the entire state and code of
an agent process. The destination can be specified by a
geometric relation and a direction (e.g., North, South, ..), a
delta-distance vector usable in mesh grids, a host port, or
an URL/IP address.
There are actually two different programmable agent
processing platforms supporting agents based on the meta
agent programming model AAPL: The Agent FORTH
Virtual Machine (AFVM)[19, 28] as a low-resource plat-
form and the JavaScript Agent Machine (JAM)[27]asan
Internet platform.
7.1 AFVM platform
The AFVM platform (see Fig. 5, right) is a low-resource
platform suitable for hardware integration (microchip
level), requiring about 1000 k logic gates (1 mm
chip core
area with a TSMC 65 nm manufacturing process). Among
a hardware implementation there are different software
implementations fully operational and code compatible
with each other that can be connected in heterogeneous
networks. The AFVM is a multi-processor computer
architecture using a stack processor providing multi-pro-
cess scheduling (of agent processes) using a token and
queue-based approach. Agents are implemented with code
frames consisting of FORTH code with agent specific
extensions and embedded data storing the entire agent
control and data state. Code morphing enables agent
behaviour modification by changing activity or transition
7.2 JAM platform
The JAM platform (see Fig. 5, left) addresses the deploy-
ment in large-scale networks, i.e., the Internet (of Things),
mobile networks, and Clouds. It requires a JavaScript
execution platform, e.g., nodejs,jxcore, or any JS capable
Web browser. The deployment of JAM in large-scale
world-wide networks in an Earthquake monitoring use-case
was shown in [29]. Although both platforms support agents
with nearly the same behaviour and operational model they
are not compatible on code level. JAM agents are pro-
grammed in AgentJavaScript ([30]). JAM consists of a set
of modules providing agent programming, agent control,
agent mobility, agent interaction, and machine learning.
Basically JAM is implemented as a library that can be
integrated in any host application. The central Agent Input
Output System (AIOS) module is the (secured and sand-
boxed) interface between agents and JAM. Agents are
always created from JS text code. An agent JS object stores
the entire agent code and data. Due to functions being first
order values in JS the agent behaviour can be changed by
modifying activities or transitions directly without recom-
pilation or recoding.
The mobility is granted by converting the agent program
and process snapshot in a textual JSON? representation
that can be sent via various communication technologies,
and finally executing the code by parsing the text again.
This mobile agent program code can be executed on a
variety of different host platforms including mobile
Cluster Computing
devices, embedded devices, macroscopic sensor nodes, and
servers, using JAM and a generic JS VM, bridging the gap
between the IoT and Internet/Cloud infrastructures.
7.3 Hybrid architecture and the IoT
Although in this work MAS are implemented and pro-
cessed in JAM networks, the technological realization of
material-integrated computing requires the execution of
MAS on the AFVM platform.
To enable the composition of future large-scale appli-
cations ranging from very-low-resource nodes (1mm
computers integrated in materials and structures) to high-
resource devices (generic computers, servers, mobile and
embedded devices), both platform architectures have to co-
exist supporting agent migration seamlessly. This co-ex-
istence demands a compatibility layer that can be realized
by introducing an on-the-fly cross-compiler enabling agent
mobility between different platform technologies seam-
lessly, shown in Fig. 5 (middle). This cross-compiler
translates agents in AgentFORTH object code to AgentJS
text code agents and vice versa by preserving the entire
agent state. This compiler is optimally contained in JAM as
a service.
Fig. 5 The hybrid architecture
merges two agent processing
platforms: (Bottom, Left) JAM
& (Bottom, Right) AFVM
(Bottom, Middle) J2F Bridge
compiler (Top) deployment
areas compared with some other
popular platforms; Legend: TS
tuple space, WS watchdog, AMP
agent management port, CHAN
channel, MOBI mobility, CONF
code reconfiguration, SIG
signals, AIOS agent input output
system, CS/DS/RS stacks, CCS
common code segment
Cluster Computing
8 Agent communication
Communication is central in large-scale distributed sys-
tems with a high impact on the overall system performance
and stability. Two main issues arise that affect design
considerations: 1. Efficiency of the communication with
respect to latency, computational complexity, and storage;
2. Addressing and delivery of messages to destination
entities. Efficiency is a key factor in self-powered material-
integrated low-resource computing networks. Commonly,
end-to-end communication is established between pro-
cesses using IP protocols and computer nodes having
unique addresses, which is not suitable for large-scale
material-integrated networks and mobile agents. The agent
model usually implies autonomy and requires a loosely
coupling to the environment, i.e., without a strong binding
to a specific node. Moreover, there is usually no global
knowledge of the current position of an agent in the net-
work at all. Basically three approaches are available to
exchange information between agents: Tuple-space access,
signal messages, and agent migration. Tuple-spaces were
proposed in [31] and [32] as a suitable MAS interaction
and co-ordination paradigm. They are discussed below and
compared in Fig. 6.
8.1 Tuple-spaces
Tuple-space communication exchanges data tuples
between entities based on pattern matching, i.e., between
processes and agents. The information exchange is data-
driven and bases on the data structure and content of the
data, and does not require any destination addressing or
negotiation between communicating entities. Furthermore,
tuple-space communication is generative, i.e., the lifetime
of data can exceeds the lifetime of the producer. There are
producer and consumer agents. A tuple-space can be
characterized by a local bounding posing a limited access
region, commonly limiting data exchange to entities exe-
cuted on the same network node. Distributed tuple-spaces
require inter-node synchronization and base on replication
and some kind of distributed memory model.
The AAPL agent model originally uses tuple-spaces only
for agent communication executed on the same node.
8.2 Agent-to-agent (A2A) signals
Signals are lightweight messages that are delivered to
specific agents (agent-to-agent, A2A), in contrast to the
anonymous tuple exchange. One major issue is facilitating
remote agent communication, i.e., agents executed on
different network nodes. Although an agent can be
addressed by a unique identifier, the path between a source
and destination agent is initially unknown. For the sake of
simplicity and efficiency, advance routing table manage-
ment and network exploration is avoided. Instead, the
APPL platforms (JAM/AFVM) support signal delivery
along paths of mobile agents only. That is, that a signal
from a source node A can only be delivered to a destination
agent actually on node B iff the destination agent was
executed (or created) on node A some time ago.
The concept thus requires that two agents had to be
executed on the same node in the past. Agent migration and
signal propagation is recorded by the agent platform using
look-up table caches with time limited entries and garbage
collection. Signals have the advantage of being delivered
and processed asynchronously by signal handlers (although
Fig. 6 Agent communication in AAPL a tuple-space communication
between agents on same node b agent-to-agent signals c remote
agent-to-node signals d remote tuple operation
Cluster Computing
not pre-emptively) compared with tuples that have to be
read or consumed by the agent explicitly.
8.3 Agent-to-node (A2N) signals
Previous agent platform implementations only support
signal delivery along migration paths based on the desti-
nation agent identifier (private, uni-cast) or the agent class
(public, broadcast). The new JAM platform 2.0 introduces
signal delivery of signals to specific remote platforms
(remote signalling) based on paths specified by the signal
sender agent. The destination platform node broadcasts the
signal to all listening agents executed on this particular
node. To simulate private A2A uni-cast (or multi-cast)
communication, agents can use a randomly generated sig-
nal name only known by the sender and the receiver. This
new approach enables agent interaction between agents
never executed on the same node. Furthermore, these
remote signals are used to implement distributed tuple-
spaces, discussed later.
8.4 Mobile agents
Mobile agents can be used to distribute information in
networks. They can get data/information from the tuple-
space of the current node and store them in remote tuple-
spaces by migrating to the respective nodes. The advantage
of this approach is the ability to find suitable remote nodes
and paths to nodes autonomously or based on content
negotiation, and to filter, map, or process the collected data,
e.g., using data fusion techniques. The disadvantage is a
high communication and processing overhead caused by
the agent process migration.
Additionally, mobile agents can be used to deliver data
in mobile network environments by using a mobile device
for spatial migration (piggyback approach, see [27] for
details), not possible with A2A/A2N signals or remote
8.5 Distributed tuple-spaces
The new JAM platform 2.0 introduces the support for tuple
migration using the collect, copyto, and store operations
performed by agents. This feature enables the composition
of distributed tuple-spaces controlled by agents. The collect
and copyto operations transfer tuples from the local tuple-
space to a remote using pattern matching, similar to the inp
and rd operations. The stor e operation sends a tuple to a
remote tuple-space, similar to the out operation.
Remote tuple space access is performed by A2N signals.
8.6 Assessment of communication
The scaling and performance of distributed and cluster
computing is strongly related to the communication
architecture. In this work, computation is coupled to a
physical system and communication depends on changes of
the physical system and the respective sensors (e.g., strain
sensors). To evaluate and compare different communica-
tion approaches described previously, a simulation of a
large scale network under real operation conditions was
performed using the reference architecture from Sect. 4
and the multi-domain simulation from Sect. 9.
The computational network consists of 8 5 3 nodes,
and the physical Device under Test (DUT) is a plate
(modelled with 8 5 3 body nodes). The network can
perform event-based sensor distribution as discussed in
Sect. 6. Results are shown in Fig. 7.
The bottom plots show the event-based communication
activity in the network as a response to a physical state
change. Nodes and their node agents decide individually
about distributing new sensor data avoiding the flooding of
the network with messages. Three different physical con-
figurations were compared resulting in different network
behaviour: Full plate, plate with hole, and with an addi-
tional load (Fig. 7, top). The last case causes the highest
network activity due to the highest level of dynamic
changes of the physical system.
9 Multi-domain simulation
The design and technological implementation of robotic
materials is a considerable challenge. Fundamental con-
cepts have to be proven before any real system can be
developed. Due to the strong coupling of sensing, reactive
control, and information processing a multi-domain and
multi-scale simulation was conducted posing a tight cou-
pling of physical and computational models.
There are different mechanical models and solvers that
can be used to compute the behaviour of the physical
system in response to different load and use case situations
and the reaction of a computational control system:
1. Finite elements analysis (FEA); and
2. Multi-body physics (MBP, based on coupled spring-
mass element networks).
The second model is closer to the proposed computational
mesh-grid node network architecture and structures on
macro level, while the first model is better related to
materials on micro level. Based on these two mechanical
models two different computational frameworks perform-
ing applying structure/material optimization are used.
Cluster Computing
FEA-NUM: finite element analysis is used to develop
and evaluate optimization algorithms, performing, e.g., the
minimization of a target function value numerically, e.g.,
reducing the total strain energy, local strain, or inner force
peaks. FEA is stationary, i.e., no swinging or oscillation of
the structure under test is considered, and a FEA simulation
iteration ends with a stationary state of the structure.
Algorithms operating on global (centralized) and local data
(distributed) were originally investigated using Abaqus
FEA simulation and Matlab performing the computational
part of the algorithms [33].
MBP-MAS: simulation of multi body physics in com-
bination with MAS is used to investigate and evaluate the
computational and coordination model proposed in this
work (details in [21]). In contrast to static FEA the MBP
simulation is dynamic and provides real-time resolution
behaviour of structures. The MAS interacts with non-sta-
tionary states of the structures (swinging, oscillation, ..),
too, which is closer to real-world interaction. The MAS
implements the algorithms investigated in prior FEA.
One major difference between the FEA-NUM and the
MBP-MAS approach concerns the sensor processing. The
nearly real-time resolution MBP-MAS approach performs
sensor distribution by MAS communication that introduces
different time delays affecting the optimization algorithms
and their outcome. Additionally, the MAS operates event-
based, leading to varying responses to a sensor stimulus as
a result of structure dynamics.
Monte-Carlo methods: complex distributed and cou-
pled systems tend to be very sensitive to small parameter
changes, i.e., small input changes (actio) result in large
output changes (reactio). Therefore, it is essential to repeat
simulations with varying randomized disturbances, e.g., by
applying small variations to an initial set-up of the spring
Fig. 7 Computation and
communication of a MAS:
simulation results and
comparison of different
communication strategies under
different structure and load
situations of the reference
architecture. Action of the
MAS: Event-based sensor
distribution. (Top) Case 1: plate,
Case 2: plate with large hole,
Case 3: plate with hole and an
additional circular load on the
top. (Middle) total computation
and communication after 15,000
simulation steps (Bottom)
selected time plots of
communication and signals for
remote tuple approach
Cluster Computing
Using the SEJAM simulator, the physical and compu-
tational system can be simulated simultaneously studying
the coupling and response of both systems to modifications.
The entire monolithic simulation framework is shown in
Fig. 8. It is entirely programmed in JavaScript and exe-
cuted by the node webkit framework (nodejs JS VM for
computation and IO combined with Chromium WEB
browser for GUI implementation), and the simulation
model consisting of the MAS program code and the
physical CANNON model is specified in JavaScript and
JSON, too. The computational and the physical simulation
are coupled tightly, i.e., agents can access the physical
model and simulation and vice versa. Agents are processed
with a JAM instance. This architecture enables the inte-
gration of the simulator in real world environments
(hardware-in-the-loop) deployed with JAM networks. Fur-
thermore, the direct JAM processing provides advanced
and realistic computational and communication analysis.
10 Use-case and evaluation
The multi-domain simulation introduced in the previous
section is used to demonstrate and evaluate the proposed
optimization algorithms, MAS implementation providing
self-organizing and self-adaptivity features, and the JAM
platform with an advanced use-case. The device under test
used in the simulation is a plate consisting of 8 5 3
nodes. Each node is a mass in the MBP model connected
up to nine neighbours via springs and a computer in the
MAS model connected to up to six neighbour nodes via
communication links. The start condition of the physical
plate is shown in Fig 8. Spring and gravity forces have an
effect on each mass element of the plate. Therefore, the
plate will swing between a maximal and a minimal bend
until it reaches a static state. The MAS will respond in a
given time to dynamic changes. The global goal may not be
effected by this dynamic response, e.g., the MAS behaviour
must not oscillate.
The event-based MAS will process sensor input data
differently (spatially and temporal) unlike the numerical
algorithms presented in Table 1. The results from the
simulation uses as a Device under Test (DUT) a plate basic
shape with a large central hole and an additional load on
the top of the DUT, which is shown Fig. 9. The diagrams in
Fig. 9 compare the outcome of physical and computational
properties of the DUT with different optimization algo-
rithms. All optimization results are compared with the
same DUT without performing optimization (no actuation,
only perception and sensor processing).
Fig. 8 (Bottom) The multi-
domain simulation environment
coupling physical and
computational systems (Top,
left) Computational network
using JAM for computation and
communication (Top, right)
physical body-spring network
using CANNON for solving the
physical equations
Cluster Computing
The physical properties give the accumulated total strain
energy U of the structure (global value), the maximum
node strain energy u (local value) from all nodes (including
boundaries), the maximum node energy of only the core
area of the structure, maximum of forces between nodes
(taken from the entire optimization run), and the accumu-
lated stiffness of all springs in the structure as a measure of
energy required for actuators (in arb. units).
The communication and computational properties give
the accumulated communication load (in Bytes), the
accumulated number of remote signals (messages), and the
total accumulated active computation time of all nodes (in
arb. units) as a measure of the electrical energy required for
the entire optimization run.
The hole in the DUT introduces interruptions of the
communication network and affects the migration of agents
or the delivery of signals, but not the global emergence
behaviour satisfying the optimization goal of the MAS,
shown in the optimization progress of the segment algo-
rithm still achieving nearly the same results as the global
The results show the suitability of the event-based MAS
approach and the distributed algorithms versa the global
centralized algorithm. The achieved strain energy reduc-
tion is about 40%. The segmented approach using a floating
segment window around each node s center position
delivers comparable results without the need for a central
instance. However, there is a significant difference between
the step-wise and linear correction function. Only the linear
stiffness adaptation between the (technical possible) limits
achieves a high total (global) strain energy and maximal
node strain energy reduction. The step-wise correction
(leading basically to a discrete stiffness distribution)
achieves only a 10% reduction. Among the total strain
energy the total sum of stiffness settings of all nodes is
important. Each stiffness increase (of an actuated spring)
requires energy, whereas a decrease can release energy
(that could be harvested and stored by the system). The
linear correction leads to an increase of the stiffness sum
about of 40%, whereas the step-wise (discrete distribution)
approach decreases the sum about of 35%. This overall
stiffness reduction can be considered as a structural
relaxation, and is a base for a high dynamic adaptation
capability of the structure as there is a better utilization of
the actuator ranges. The neighbour negotiation algorithms
underperforms compared with the new segment approach
but requires the lowest communication and computational
resources (about 50% less than the segmented approach)
As expected, the global approach creates the highest
communication and computational costs.
It should be noted that the results are sensitive to the
MAS parameter settings like sensor event and notification
thresholds. For example, the communication and compu-
tational costs depend on the notification behaviour inhibi-
tion delay (update interval setting). The lowest
accumulated computation time of the ICT network is
Fig. 9 Evaluation of simulation results (DUT: plate with hole and
external load) using different optimization algorithms (Top) Outcome
of physical properties of the DUT: Total strain energy U and node
strain energy u, forces, and stiffness [arbitrary units] (Bottom)
Outcome of ICT properties: Total communication [Bytes], signals
[arbitrary units], and computation [time, s]
Cluster Computing
required by the neighbour negotiation algorithm due to the
lowest sensor event rates and actuator modifications. The
three algorithms differ in convergence and stability
(oscillation of the structure due to over- and under-opti-
mization) and therefore have a significant influence on the
ICT activity and the energy consumption.
The evaluation of a structure configuration with a large
hole inside of the structure, interrupting communication
and actuation, demonstrates the capability of the used MAS
behaviour and optimization algorithm to compensate
missing nodes. The proposed approach shows a low sen-
sitivity to damages (both concerning the ICT and the
structure optimization).
11 Dynamic topology optimization
and lightweight structures
Topology optimization in its classical form is a technique
to improve material utilization: Within a given design
space, and for a given load case, blocks of material are
removed in areas with limited internal loads. A review of
various approaches has recently been provided by Sigmund
and Maute [34]. The underlying assumption is that these
material fractions contribute least to structural stiffness: It
may be added here that topology optimization is generally
executed in the linear-elastic regime. Since material is only
removed, but not relocated, stiffness must effectively be
reduced in the process.
However, this necessary loss in stiffness falls short of
the reduction in weight, leading to an increase in specific or
weight- related stiffness. A designer can thus in principle
exploit the result of an optimization run to generate a final
structure which may—if permissible—transgress the
boundaries of the original part and offer the same stiffness
at reduced weight. The weight reductions achievable via
this principle are limited, but significant. For example, by
rule of thumb, if the original problem is a solid beam,
supported at both ends and loaded in bending, a weight
reduction of roughly 30% can be achieved at a marginal
loss of stiffness. For other, more technical and thus more
complex components and associated load cases, weight
reductions of approximately 20% have been demonstrated.
Naturally, the success of the method in optimizing a given
structure depends on the level of sophistication of the
original design. In many cases, however, an exact quan-
tification is impossible because the topology-optimized
design cannot be matched against a conventional one, as
the method is typically applied early in the design phase
and using the complete design space as starting point.
In practice, manufacturing process constraints and lim-
itations have sometimes hampered the implementation of
topology-optimized designs. Processes like milling require
direct access to the surfaces that are to be machined.
Typically, optimum designs thus undergo a reworking
based on manufacturability. In contrast, the geometrical
flexibility of additive manufacturing has the potential of
developing into a high road for pushing topology- opti-
mized design from the virtual to the real world on a larger
scale. A recent publication by Zhu et al. has collected
several examples that illustrate the application of topology
optimization to aerospace structures [35].
Valdez et al. have recently published and overview of
benchmark solutions for typical, recurring 2D problems.
Their study does not provide clear answers on achievable
weight savings, since their starting point is a standard
rectangular design space, but conveys a good impression of
the type of solution the method generates, and their
dependence on—sometimes slight—changes in the
boundary conditions [36]. Multi-phase topology optimiza-
tion as developed by Burblies deviates from the above in
considering multiple materials having individual proper-
ties—specifically, their elastic properties (Young’s modu-
lus etc.) are assumed to differ. Depending on the load case,
the optimization approach relocates the originally arbi-
trarily distributed material elements within the set build
envelope/space to achieve maximum stiffness. This is done
by means of an element exchange technique which mini-
mizes total strain energy in the system. The result is a
structure which matches the original one in weight (mate-
rial is not removed, but only redistributed), but shows
superior stiffness. The high stiffness solution can then be
transformed into a design which takes over the suggested
structuring, but reduces the amount of material used and
thus the structure’s weight while still meeting stiffness
requirements [13]. The central drawback of the methods as
described above is that optimization is typically done for a
single load case. As a consequence, the resulting structure
may underperform compared to a non-optimized one if the
loading situation changes. Besides, the optimized structure
may turn out to behave more critical under unexpected load
cases: For example, topology-optimized designs typically
tend to be more prone to failure modes like buckling.
To avoid these issue, strategies like average design
can be adopted which generate a common solution out of
the optimization results obtained for several load cases.
However, this approach will naturally limit the weight
saving potential, since the final solution moves away
from the optimum for each single load case considered.
This situation is the realm which must seem most
promising for the suggested dynamic optimization
approach: Instead of having a structure that can cope
reasonably well with different load cases, we propose a
structure that can dynamically adapt to the load cases it
recognises and will thus adopt the optimum configuration
for each of them.
Cluster Computing
Needless to say, this type of structure will also be able to
respond to load cases not explicitly considered in the
component design phase. This capability may allow for
reduction of safety margins and thus facilitate additional
weight savings.
In summary, we consider an average weight saving
potential accessible through the suggested adaptive mate-
rials of approximately 20% a conservative estimate.
Beyond suitable algorithms as discussed in this paper,
materials and/or structural solutions that allow implemen-
tation of these will be a major issue to be solved in future
12 Conclusion and outlook
This paper showed the suitability of Multi-Agent Systems
for reliable distributed computing in large-scale low-re-
source computer networks by evaluating the use case with
a reference architecture of a self-adaptive robotic material
composed of nodes connected by actuated spring elements.
Each node is a micro-controller providing sensor process-
ing, power electronics, communication (wired or wireless),
an agent processing platform, and data storage. Such
robotic materials are characterized by a tight coupling of
computation, communication, sensing, and actuation. The
distributed computing and communication in material-in-
tegrated large-scale computer networks can be considered
as micro-scale cluster computing.
The goal of the MAS is to optimize the material or
structure under varying load situations and damages by
collecting observation variables (i.e., strain sensor data)
and modifying target variables (actuators, i.e., stiffness of
spring parameters) without any central instance (self-or-
ganized and event-based). The emergence behaviour of the
MAS was robust by adaptivity in the presence of large
Different optimization algorithms were introduced and
evaluated using the JavaScript Agent Machine platform. A
global optimization approach based on Multi-Phase
Topology Optimization was used as a reference algorithm
for comparison with two distributed segment and neigh-
bour algorithms enabling dynamic topology optimization at
run-time. The segment algorithm achieved a 40% reduction
of the total mechanical strain energy of the structure under
test (with a damage and external load applied), which is a
relevant measure of stability by self-adaptation and self-
healing behaviour.
Although the JAM platform can be used on low-resource
embedded computers, another very-low resource platform
AFVM was introduced that is suitable for material-inte-
grated computing. A just-in-time cross-compiler approach
can be used to enable seamless migration of mobile agents
between both agent processing platforms, which is
mandatory for connecting robotic materials to the IoT and
Different agent communication approaches were dis-
cussed and evaluated under real conditions (sensor pro-
cessing in the robotic material) showing efficient and
scalable behaviour. Mobile agents with a unified agent
programming and processing platform are the key tech-
nology for the creation of smart IT materials, e.g., tangible
user interfaces [37], product life-cycle management [17],
integration in the Internet of Things environment and
providing Cloud Services for and with robotic materials in
everyday customer devices.
Future work has to investigate the implementation of the
proposed MAS using the AFVM platform deployed in real
robotic structures. Although the AFVM bases on the same
AAPL agent metal model, is forces much higher limitations
and constraints with respect to agent code and data com-
plexity, and overall storage capacity. In this work the
simulation was performed with ideal actuators and sensors
described via linear input-output models. Technical actu-
ators, e.g., thermoplastic materials actuated by temperature
variations, show highly non-linear behaviour. The pro-
posed MAS and optimization algorithms have to be eval-
uated towards such unreliable and non-linear actuators and
sensors. Finally, the weight saving potential and energy
balances have to be investigated rigorously.
One major field of application and future road map for
the proposed MAS and ICT architecture is the dynamic
topology optimization (DTO) in complex mechanical
structures and components introduced conceptually in
Sect. 11. A proof-of-concept has to demonstrate the weight
saving by DTO by the MAS at run-time. Furthermore,
transferring this future work to actual physical materials
and structure heavily depends on advances in manufac-
turing technologies, sensors, and hybrid material design.
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Cluster Computing
Stefan Bosse studied physics at
the University of Bremen. He
received a Doctoral Degree (Dr.
rer. nat.) in physics in the year
2002 (‘‘Laser and Advanced
Optical Measuring Tech-
niques’’) at the University of
Bremen, and the post-doctoral
degree (Habilitation) and the
Venia Legendi in Computer
Science in the year 2016 at the
University of Bremen with his
habilitation ‘Unified Dis-
tributed Sensor and Environ-
mental Information Processing
with Multi-Agent Systems: Models, Platforms, and Technological
Aspects’’. Starting from April 2018 he is an interim professor at the
University of Koblenz-Landau, Faculty Computer Science. His
research focuses on distributed artificial intelligence, in particular
agent-based modeling, simulation, and computation, with an highly
interdisciplinary work addressing computer science, material science,
technologies, and sociology. He teaches several courses at the
University of Bremen and Koblenz-Landau in fundamental computer
science and in selected advanced topics covering the design of par-
allel and distributed systems, multi-agent systems, multi-domain
simulation, high-level synthesis, and material-integrated intelligent
systems with a high interdisciplinary background. He published about
100 publications and several books.
Dirk Lehmhus is a senior
researcher at the Fraunhofer
Institute for Manufacturing
Technology and Advanced
Materials (IFAM), Department
of Shaping and Functional
Materials, Bremen, Germany.
He studied Mechanical Engi-
neering at the University of
Hanover, and got his PhD
degree of Dr.- Ing. on produc-
tion and properties of aluminum
foams at the University of Bre-
men in the year 2007 (supervi-
sor Prof. M. Busse). He has a
longterm experience as a Managing Director of the Scientific Centre
ISIS Sensorial Materials from the University of Bremen. His research
focuses on functional materials and structures for sensing and energy
harvesting applications, multifunctional composite and hybrid mate-
rials, and the integration of sensorial capabilities in materials and
components, cellular metallic materials, and metal foams.
Cluster Computing